biology year 1 wjec

This class was created by Brainscape user Eliza Mckeever. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What does the mass flow theory su...,
Name 7 features of a sieve tube,
What is the role of the companion...
11  cards
blood vessels and blood
Tunica media,
Tunica externa
16  cards
coordination of the heart beat
What type of blood is passed thro...,
What valve is in the right side o...,
Which side ventricle is thicker a...
21  cards
Tissue fluid
What are lymph vessels,
Is hydrostatic or osmotic pressur...,
What substances are too large to ...
10  cards
oxygen carriage
What does oxygen and haemoglobin ...,
What is cooperative binding,
What is affinity
19  cards
What happens in interphase,
What does chromatin do to genetic...,
What happens in mitosis prophase
13  cards
What are enzymes,
What is metabolism,
What is the metabolic pathway
22  cards
adaptation for nutrition
How is food digested in the bucca...,
What is the role of the stomach i...,
What does gastric juice contain
42  cards
gas exchange in humans
What is ficks law,
Describe the process of inspirati...,
What is the ventilation rate
5  cards
What is a parasite,
Is head louse an endo or ectopara...,
What are some adaptations of head...
7  cards
protein synthesis
What are the two processes involv...,
What are the problems when making...,
Describe the process of transcrip...
15  cards
practical needed
A standard curve can sometimes no...,
Staining dna for mitosis investig...,
Describe the food test for starch
8  cards
mock practice questions review
Name adaptations of a herbivores ...,
Reason for refection in rabbits,
Cows feed in a similar way to rab...
13  cards
uses of inorganic ions
Magnesium is a macro nutrient wha...,
What does deficiency of magnesium...,
What is iron required for
6  cards

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biology year 1 wjec

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