This class was created by Brainscape user Francesca Regan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Eukaryotic cells
What is the brain of a cell,
Name the 4 components of a nucleus,
What does the nucleus store
50  cards
osmosis terminology
What is a negative control control,
What is a positive control,
What is an independent variable
18  cards
Prokaryotic cells
Features of a prokaryote,
Organelles of a prokaryote,
Features of cell wall
7  cards
water concentrations, acids and bases
What is the measured molarity ratio,
What is the equation to find the ...,
Is a dative bond reversible
23  cards
Life And Cells
What is reductionism,
What is the term when you start a...,
What is studied alongside reducti...
9  cards
Carbons And Macromolecules
What do compounds contain to be c...,
How many electronsnon the outer s...,
What are the 2 main shapes of car...
18  cards
DNA, protein And The Central Dogma
Which nucleotides pair together,
What is the job of the helicase,
Which enzyme unzips dna
43  cards
ATP and Energy
What product do we get after glyc...,
Which molecule makes atp,
What is exergonic
39  cards
Prac Anatomy Parts
61  cards
Module 2 Organisations Of The Human Body
What are the 8 different levels o...,
What defines a tissue,
What is the name for the study of...
38  cards
Module 2 structural organisation
What are the 8 divisions of anatomy,
What constitutes an anatomical po...,
How many degrees is the anatomica...
53  cards
Module 3: Central Nervous System
Where is cerebrospinal fluid csf ...,
What areas of the brain does the ...,
What are the components of the cns
68  cards
Module 3: Peripheral Nervous System
What is the pns,
How many pairs of spinal nerves a...,
How many cranial nerves are there
34  cards
Module 3: reflexes
What is a reflex,
What do reflexes do,
Can you change reflexes
67  cards
Module 3: Nervous system cells and resting membrane potential
What are the 3 components to rest...,
What is the function of a neuron ...,
About how many neurons are in the...
32  cards
Module 3: action potentials
What sends actions potentials in ...,
What other words are used to desc...,
What is depolarisation in a neuron
37  cards
Module 3: Synaptic transmission
What is temporal summation,
What is spatial summation,
What s the difference between tem...
33  cards
Module 3: The Autonomic Nervous System
Where is glucose stored,
Which nervous system does the ans...,
What does the ans control
38  cards
Module 3: Cell Communication And Receptor Families
What types of diseases do you get...,
What types of diseases do you get...,
What are the 2 broad types of cel...
31  cards
Module 4: Musculoskeletal system: skeletal system
How many bones do we have,
What are the components of the sk...,
What is the funtion of the skelet...
60  cards
Module 4: muscle contraction and factors influencing force
How do skeletal muscles power mov...,
What is the muscle hierachy,
What are the 3 levels of connecti...
50  cards
Module 4: Joints
What is the term used to assess i...,
What are the 3 structural classif...,
How are fibrous joints held together
21  cards
words to remember
7  cards

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