This class was created by Brainscape user Molly Fowler. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

lecture 1
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31  cards
lecture 2
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29  cards
lecture 3
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35  cards
Lecture 4
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37  cards
lecture 5
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29  cards
lecture 6
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23  cards
lecture 7
- brief overview of cystic fibrosis - experience of living with cystic fibrosis, a chronic and life-limiting condition - health and emotional impact
25  cards
lecture 8
- discovery of the gene (CFTR) involved in causing cystin fibrosis - molecular basis of cystic fibrosis – the CFTR protein and its structure - the role of CFTR in epithelial cells - classes of CFTR gene mutations - common mutations and how they are tested
20  cards
lecture 9
- inheritance and prevalence of cystic fibrosis - genotype-phenotype correlations - genetic and environmental modifiers of cystic fibrosis - screening for cystic fibrosis - newborn, carrier (cascade and population)
17  cards
lecture 10
- Review: normal lung anatomy and development, normal lung physiology, lung function tests (spirometry) - Pulmonary complications of cystic fibrosis - pathology of the lungs - microbial colonisation of the lung in CF
26  cards
lecture 11
Clinical features of CF: - sweat gland - pancreas - liver - gastro-intestinal - skeletal - genito-urinary - renal - ENT - Cardiovascular - Skin
19  cards
lecture 12
- the role of physiotherapy - the role of antimicrobials - managing pancreatic insufficiency - future therapies: pharmacological, gene therapy
24  cards
lecture 13
HIV-1 infection: virology, pathogenesis and treatment - epidemiology - virology: general, HIV entry - immunology
39  cards
lecture 14
natural history of HIV diseas
33  cards
lecture 15
- numbers of new HIV infections globally are decreasing but 33 million currently infected - HIV is a retrovirus which can integrate in the host genome and persist indefinitely - HIV uses both CD4 and chemokine receptors (CCR5 and CXCR4) to enter a cell - natural mutations in CCR5 can protect from infection and have an effect on disease progression - CD4 loss is the hallmark of HIV infection but HIV causes multiple other immunological abnormalities including immune activation - cART has
24  cards
lecture 16
- parasite's resposne to the development of immunity to PfEMP1 - parasite switches to use different var genes (which encode PfEMPS1s) - ~ 60 copies in genome - clonal antigenic variation - results in recrudescence - parasite persistance - different P. falciparum lines have a complement of var genes that are more different than you expect, why?
21  cards
lecture 17
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19  cards
lecture 18
Malaria - background to malaria: clinical features and treatment - immunity: targets and mediators - pathogenesis of disease - immunity and immune evasion - malaria in pregnancy as an example
30  cards
lecture 19
neurodegeneration module - how would you do research on causes of neurodegeneration?
18  cards
lecture 20
Molecular Pathogenesis of Alzeimer's disease I - general background on Alzheimer's disease - amyloid β peptide aggregation and its role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis - Tau microtubule protein and its role in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis - contributing factors to alzheimer's disease - Oxidative stress - contributing factors to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis - Biometals - contributing factors to Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis - Neuroinflammation
38  cards
lecture 21
Alzheimer's II - neurotoxic mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease - approaches to understanding the molecular and cellular biology of Alzheimer's disease
31  cards
lecture 22
Motor neuron disease 1. brief description of MND 2. symptoms of MND 3. Diagnosis 4. prognosis 5. treatments 6. causes 7. genetics 8. current research
16  cards
lecture 23
Parkinson's Disease - protein aggregation can lead to gain of toxic function - multiple, and potentially distinct pathways can affect protein aggregation - multiple and potentially distinct cellular targets may lead to neurodegeneration - location of pathology informs about clinical symptoms
33  cards
lecture 24
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18  cards
lecture 25
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36  cards
lecture 26
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45  cards
lecture 27
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30  cards
lecture 28
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
24  cards
lecture 29
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
26  cards
lecture 30
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
30  cards
lecture 31
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
29  cards
lecture 32
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
25  cards
lecture 33
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26  cards
lecture 34
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
34  cards
lecture 35
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
34  cards
lecture 36
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
27  cards

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