This class was created by Brainscape user Gia Gupta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Calcium Balance
Where is 1 of calcium found,
Where is 99 of calcium in the bod...,
What is a resevoir for calcium st...
38  cards
What is a person s biological sex...,
What is a person s biological sex...,
What is a person s biological sex...
85  cards
What are the four major functions...,
How is ph regulated by the kidney...,
We have two lungs one on each side
82  cards
CV system
What divides the heart so the rig...,
What does the heart do as a pump,
What does the right atrium receive
22  cards
Lecture 1 - The Heart as a Pump
0  cards
Lecture 2 - Blood Vessels and Pressure
What are the five blood vessels i...,
What is the relative mean diamete...,
What do all blood vessles have
56  cards
Lecture 3 - Blood Distribution
What gets alot of blood,
Can the amount of blood blow an o...,
What is velocity or flow inversel...
28  cards
Lecture 4 - Membrane Dynamics
What are the six factors that aff...,
What are different types of membr...,
What does facillitated diffusion ...
23  cards
Lecture 5 - Electrical Signals
1  cards
Lecture 6 - Action Potentials
0  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture I - Synaptic Transmission
What is an ionotropic receptor an...,
If an ion channel open in an iono...,
If an ion channel closes in an io...
62  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture II - Muscle Figs
What are skeletal muscle cells like,
What is the mechanism of contract...,
What does muscle have many bundle...
114  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture III - Smooth Muscle
What is the main difference betwe...,
Does smooth muscle have troponin ...,
What are smooth muscle cells like
43  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture IV - Kidney Function
What are the six functions of the...,
What does renin do,
How do the kidneys regulate plasm...
51  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture V - Reabsorption and Secretion
What membrane of the epithelial c...,
What membrane of the epithelial c...,
What are the peritubular capillar...
27  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture VI - Water and Salt Balance
How do we gain water,
How do we lose water
14  cards
Final Review Deck - Lecture VII - Disturbances in Volume and Osmolarity
What happens if you have high osm...,
What happens if you have no chang...
12  cards

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