bms150 post-mt2

This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Dalimonte. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Visceral Anatomy and Histology of the GI Tract
Superior border of abdominal cavity,
Anterolateral border of abdominal...,
Inferior border of abdominal cavity
88  cards
Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Introduction to Gut Microbiome
Big picture functions of the gi t...,
3 basic movements that take place...,
Waves of smooth muscle contractio...
123  cards
Physiology and Pathology: The Esophagus
Where esophagus passes through th...,
Esophageal epithelium,
Esophageal lamina propria
59  cards
Physiology and Pathology: The Stomach
What is the most distensible part...,
Two general functions of the stomach,
4 main regions of the stomach
99  cards
Physiology and Anatomy: Small Intestine
3 regions of the small intestine,
T f the majority of the duodenum ...,
The jejunum has large _______
94  cards
Barrier Immunology in the Gut
Different cytokines secreted by t...,
What does th1 secrete what does i...,
Tgf beta and retinoic stimulate c...
87  cards
Physiology and Pathology: Liver & Gallbladder
Livers special role in the circul...,
What is the livers important role...,
4 lobes of the liver
114  cards
Physiology and Pathology: The Pancreas
Four parts of the pancreas,
________ joins ________ at the he...,
Accessory pancreatic duct drains ...
84  cards
Energy Homeostasis - The Endocrine Pancreas
What are pancreatic islet cells m...,
Islet cells are a rich ____ supply,
Blood flow in the islet cell
70  cards
Type II Diabetes Mellitus
In a diabetes diagnosis _________...,
In a diabetes diagnosis _____ con...,
In a diabetes diagnosis abnormal ...
52  cards
Obesity, Insulin Resistance II, and Type I Diabetes
Most important environmental risk...,
Why does insulin resistance usual...,
Is obesity genetic
56  cards
Lipoprotein Physiology and Atherosclerosis
How are cholesterol and tgs trans...,
Outer envelope of lipoprotein,
Inner portion of lipoprotein
68  cards
Anatomy, Physiology, Histology - Large Intestine
0  cards
Intestinal Pathology Part II
80 of intestinal obstructions are...,
10 20 of intestinal obstructions ...,
Intestinal obstruction is due to ...
54  cards
Liver Pathology Part II
Hepatitis genomes,
Hepatitis routes of transmission,
Hepatitis incubation preiods
105  cards
Pathology - GI Cancers
Two main variants of esophageal c...,
Risk factors for adenocarcinoma 3,
Protective factors against adenoc...
104  cards
GI Pharmacology - Acid Suppressors and Anti-Nausea Agents
Gastrin receptor,
Acetylcholine receptor,
Histamine receptor
58  cards

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bms150 post-mt2

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