bms3013 diseases of the human nervous system

This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Cairns. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Lecture 2 Neuroanatomy
How many neurons are you born with,
How are neurons different to othe...,
Describe the function of glia cells
17  cards
Lecture 3 Neuroimaging Techniques 1
What does ct stand for,
Describe how a ct works,
Why does bone appear bright and a...
8  cards
Lecture 4 - Neuroimaging II
What does pet stand for,
Describe pet scanning,
How does pet work
6  cards
Lecture 5 - Clinical aspects of schizophrenia
What is psychosis,
What are some biological reasons ...,
What are some psychological reaso...
15  cards
Lecture 6 - Schizophrenia I
What is the chance of an identica...,
What is the highest genetic risk ...,
What function is disrupted and wh...
12  cards
Lecture 7 - Schizophrenia II
What is bottom up and top down pr...,
How can we test working memory wh...,
What is the disconnection hypothesis
5  cards
Lecture 8 - Anxiety and Anxiolytics
Describe chronic stress,
What are symptoms of an anxiety d...,
Describe obsessive compulsive dis...
30  cards
Lecture 9 - Mood Disorders
What are mood disorders,
What is mania hypomania,
Describe acute treatment for mood...
6  cards
Lecture 10 - Pathophysiology of Mood Disorders
What are the2 main bodies of evid...,
What are monoamine neurotransmitters,
Describe what implicated monoamin...
20  cards
Lecture 11 - Depression and Treatment
Describe the mechanism of action ...,
Describe tcas,
Describe ssri snri and nari
10  cards
Lecture 12 - Clinical Aspects of Intellectual Disability
What is intellectual disability,
What is used to define and determ...,
What are the causes of id
15  cards
Lecture 13 - Molecular Aspects of ID
Describe dsm diagnostic criteria ...,
Describe the link between comorbi...,
What are some environmental cause...
15  cards
Lecture 14 - Modelling Neurodevelopmental Disorders
What is asd,
Why do we need preclinical models...,
What 3 things do we need for a go...
10  cards
Lecture 15 - Stroke
Describe the epidemiology of stroke,
What is an ischaemic stroke,
What is a hemorrhagic stroke
13  cards
Lecture 16 - Prion Disease
What is a prion,
What are the known prion diseases...,
What are some prion diseases know...
19  cards
Lecture 17 - Introduction To Dementia
What is the most common type of d...,
What is dementia,
What types of clinical assessment...
10  cards
Lecture 18 - Molecular/Cell Biology of Alzheimer's Disease
Describe the epidemiology of alzh...,
What are the proteins primarily i...,
How long is amyloid beta found in...
22  cards
Lecture 19 - Molecular Aetiology of Mitochondrial Disorders
What is the main function of mito...,
What are some other functions of ...,
Describe the structure of mitocho...
4  cards

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bms3013 diseases of the human nervous system

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