This class was created by Brainscape user Autumn Altman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

resp 1
What are the four primary functio...,
Air exchange occurs by __________...,
How is bulk flow similar between ...
23  cards
resp 2
What is the similar aspects of fl...,
What are fluids,
What is cm h2o and normal sea lev...
33  cards
resp 3
What is the review slide of venti...,
What is the slide of pressure cha...,
What does forced respiration need
18  cards
resp 4
What is the definition of surface...,
What is the other determinant of ...,
What is laplace s equation
21  cards
resp 5
What is the gas composition in th...,
What is the graph of alveolar gases,
Alterations in ventilation rate _...
20  cards
resp 6
What is diffusion,
What is going to affect the rando...,
What affects diffusion in a healt...
17  cards
resp 7
How does plasma o2 determined,
The amount of oxygen bound to hem...,
How is oxygen binding expressed a...
17  cards
resp 8
What is the other mechanism besid...,
What is the respiratory gas equil...,
What is the co2 removal at the lungs
28  cards
renal 1
What is the history of urine color,
What is the most important functi...,
What are the functions of the kidney
15  cards
renal 2
What is filtration,
What is the equation for filtration,
What is the renal corpuscle
24  cards
renal 3
What is reabsorption,
Why bother filtering 180l if only...,
What are the two types of transpo...
32  cards
renal 4
What is renal clearance,
A non invasive method using colle...,
What is the graph of clearance
16  cards
renal 5
Homeostatic mechanisms for fluid ...,
The body is in a state of _______...,
Whatever comes in must be _______...
29  cards
renal 6
How does urea contribute to the o...,
What is the water balance summary,
What is our diet in north america...
15  cards
renal 7
What does the renin angiotensin p...,
What is renin s main role,
How is angiotensin converted seco...
23  cards
renal 8
What is the integrated control of...,
What is 1 on the chart,
What is 2 on the chart
18  cards
What is ph,
What is normal ph in the body,
How do ph changes denature proteins
28  cards
GI 1
What is the primary function of t...,
What is the introduction to the g...,
What is digestion
27  cards
GI 2
What are the fluid secretions in ...,
What is the fluid secretion of water,
What is the fluid secretion of di...
21  cards
GI 3
What are gi peptides,
Where are gi peptides,
What is the graph of gi hormones
23  cards
GI 4
What is the acid secretion of the...,
What are the gastric acid functions,
What is acid secretion in the sto...
19  cards
GI 5
What does the pancreas contain,
What is the activation in the pan...,
What is the table of the zymogens...
23  cards
GI 6
What is the regulation of intesti...,
What is intestinal motility influ...,
What are accessories in intestina...
18  cards
GI 7
What is diarrhea,
What is clostridium difficile inf...,
What is vomiting
20  cards
GI 8
What does marijuana have to do wi...,
What is our energy output and input,
How to we measure input
21  cards
repro 1
What do we think about reproduction,
Humans are ___________________,
What are the three sets of struct...
18  cards
repro 2
What is the importance of dihydro...,
What are the basic patterns of re...,
What is the basic description of ...
23  cards
repro 3
What is the graph of a feedback loop,
What are environmental factors th...,
What can environmental estrogen i...
23  cards
repro 4
What is the graph of external fem...,
What is the graph of internal gen...,
What is the uterus
20  cards
repro 5
What is the summary slide of all ...,
What is ovulation,
What is the graph of everything i...
22  cards
repro 6
What is implantation prevention,
What are iud,
What are hormonal treatments
15  cards
repro 7
When does the embryo implant in t...,
What is the basic description of ...,
What does the blastocyst form
19  cards

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bmsc 208

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