
This class was created by Brainscape user Jen Kennings. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (131)

State Nicknames
The old dominion state 1,
The peach state 2,
The last frontier 4
62  cards
Canadian Capitals
Quebec city 1,
Fredericton 2,
Edmonton 3
13  cards
Gods (Greek To Roman)
Hera 1,
Poseidon 2,
Hades 3
12  cards
Literature: Quiz Bowl Top 100
Vanity fair 1,
Pilgrim s progress 2,
Robinson crusoe 3
12  cards
100 Books, 100 Authors
To the lighthouse 1,
Beloved 2,
Brideshead revisited 3
34  cards
Latin American Leaders
Argentine general in wars for ind...,
Nestor kirchner 2,
Leopoldo galtieri 3
17  cards
J! History
Richard byrd explored what 1,
1928 peace agreement 2,
Spain s last territories in the n...
282  cards
J! Literature
The compleat angler 1,
Czech playwright and president 2,
Hollywood wives author 3
166  cards
J! Art
Luncheon on the grass 1,
Nocturne in black and gold 2,
California wilderness photographer 3
59  cards
World Capitals
Bahrain 1,
Benin 2,
Bhutan 3
112  cards
J! Geography
Guernsey jersey sark alderney 1,
Only british land occupied by ger...,
Central american country with no ...
37  cards
J! Sports
Sammy sosa team 1,
Cardinals first baseman 90s 2,
Lady byng sportsmanship award 3
53  cards
J! Music
Billy the kid ballet 1,
Fantasia conductor 2,
Porgy and bess 3
79  cards
J! Movies and TV
Director married to geena rowlands 1,
Eraserhead director 2,
Introducing dorothy dandridge act...
45  cards
J! Miscellaneous
Oldest airline dutch 1,
Legerdemain 2,
Church of england 3
22  cards
US History and Politics
Speaker of the house 1977 1987 1,
Theodore roosevelt s long island ...,
Chicken in every pot politician 3
84  cards
Non-US American History and Politics
European discoverer of the st law...,
Largest canadian island 2,
Tenochtitlan empire 3
9  cards
European History and Politics
Norwegian first to reach the sout...,
Killed franz ferdinand 2,
Magician of iron 3
88  cards
Asian History and Politics
Israeli pm assassinated 1995 1,
Houthis in this country bombed by...,
Japanese wwii prime minister 3
14  cards
African History and Politics and Culture
Khedive country 1,
North african pirates 2,
Charles taylor president country 3
10  cards
Australia/Oceania stuff
Sea to the northeast of australia 1,
Sea between australia and new zea...,
Tahiti capital 3
11  cards
US Geography
Pikes peak state 1,
Blue ridge mountains are part of ...,
Hattiesburg state 3
59  cards
European Geography
Region traded between germany and...,
Largest lake in the alps 2,
Inlet of the north sea that edinb...
63  cards
Asian Geography
Jaffa country 1,
Huang he 2,
Third largest island in the world 3
21  cards
African Geography
Zimbabwe old name 1,
Gold coast country 2,
North carolina barrier islands 3
10  cards
Non-US American Geography
Switzerland of central america 1,
Switzerland of south america 2,
Christ the redeemer peak 3
24  cards
Zodiac signs
Ram 1,
Bull 2,
Twins 3
24  cards
J! Science and Tech (and formerly Nature and Animals)
Acid vitamin c 1,
Danish physicist 1900s 2,
Ch4 3
43  cards
J! Mythology and Religion
Chief norse god 1,
Egyptian god of death 2,
Jewish holiday esther hamentasche...
36  cards
J! Business
Nike ceo 1,
1950s ford flop car 2,
Chrysler ceo 80s 3
19  cards
J! Theater And Opera
Medea playwright 1,
The clouds playwright 2,
Frogs playwright 3
30  cards
J! Ancient History
Roman orator and official wrote h...,
Roman naturalist wrote natural hi...,
480 bc battle 3
28  cards
J! Philosophy
Critique of pure reason philosoph...,
The social contract philosopher 2,
French existentialist 3
11  cards
J! Literature 6/16/23-8/30/23
Tom jones author 1,
Daisy miller author 2,
Utopia author 3
101  cards
J! Vocabulary
Roman rod for spinning flax female 1,
Greek derived term for severe gov...,
Bothersome biting fly also used t...
16  cards
British monarchy
Longshanks king 1,
Merry monarch 2,
Hammer of the scots 3
15  cards
National Parks
Arches national park 1,
Badlands national park 2,
Bryce canyon national park 3
17  cards
Explorers and Boats etc
Italian discovered newfoundland f...,
Battleship exploded 1898 2,
German battleship sunk by the bri...
17  cards
Middle East
Gulf north extension of the red s...,
Israel port 2,
Fortified area of baghdad 3
17  cards
J! Literature 8/30/23-
True west playwright 1,
Buried child playwright 2,
Single named female french author 3
52  cards
Probe launched 1977 1,
Pluto s largest moon 2,
John glenn home state 3
14  cards
US history and politics 9/11/23-
First major civil war battle 1,
Manassas va civil war battle 2
2  cards
Bodies of water
Largest gulf 1,
Sea that s really a salt lake 2,
Us canada canal system opened eis...
30  cards
Hamlet s mom 1,
Shakespeare play during the troja...,
Queen of the fairies in a midsumm...
65  cards
Native American
Tecumseh tribe 1,
Geronimo tribe 2,
Cochise tribe 3
6  cards
War history
Rommel montgomery 1942 egypt wwii...,
1862 maryland civil war battle 2,
Naval officer won battle of lake ...
33  cards
Captain morgan alcohol 1,
Anise liqueur with coffee beans 2,
Tuborg pilsner country 3
21  cards
Wild west
Tombstone az cemetery 1,
Wild west show creator 2,
William bonney alias 3
10  cards
We have met the enemy and they ar...,
I now close my military career an...
2  cards
US presidents/politicians
Presidential library abilene kans...,
Truman home state 2,
Lincoln s first love 3
27  cards
Literature: Poetry
Hart crane poem 1,
The village blacksmith poet 2,
Sailing to byzantium poet 3
16  cards
Classical music
Hungarian dances composer 1,
Music for the royal fireworks com...,
Minute waltz composer 3
13  cards
Literature: Plays
Angels in america playwright 1,
Arms and the man playwright 2,
The rose tattoo playwright 3
13  cards
Literature: Nonfiction
Arthur schlesinger jfk book 1,
10 days that shook the world auth...,
American communist journalist cov...
10  cards
Literature: Fiction
The man with the golden gun 1,
Jack reacher author 2,
W somerset maugham novel with phi...
62  cards
Oldest honor society golden key 1,
Yale secret society 2,
Tigers south carolina team school 3
10  cards
Popular Music
Rhapsody in blue composer 1,
Ric ocasek band 2,
Oh susanna camptown ladies swanee...
30  cards
Pear shaped lute 1
1  cards
Stalin s daughter defected 1
1  cards
Literature: Classics/Ancient
Poet guide in divine comedy 1,
French epic poem about charlemagn...,
Medea playwright 3
4  cards
Weights and measures
Olympiad time length 1
1  cards
Number of dice in yahtzee 1,
Highest poker hand 2
2  cards
Sports: arenas/venues
Lucas oil stadium city 1,
Hubert humphrey metrodome city 2,
Superdome city 3
6  cards
Death s ride in revelation 1,
Ahab s wife in the bible 2,
Biblical king consulted the witch...
8  cards
Author biographical facts
Magazine eb white worked for 1,
Percy shelley wrote adonais about...,
Author drowned in a boating accid...
8  cards
Invented the first mechanical rea...,
Two men filed telephone patents 2,
Inventor of condensed milk 3
8  cards
Epinephrine other name 1,
Pharyngeal tonsils above regular ...,
Digestive system canal 3
19  cards
Revolution/early US history
Constitution year 1,
Life liberty and the pursuit of h...,
New york revolutionary fort 3
5  cards
Buildings and architecture
Vietnam veterans memorial designer 1,
Poets corner burial location 2,
Onion dome cathedral in moscow 3
6  cards
Lindbergh baby kidnapper 1,
1971 new york prison riot 2
2  cards
Margaret bourke white photographs...,
Photographer married to erskine c...,
Pbs journal host became lbj press...
5  cards
Presidents and first ladies
First lady from lexington kentucky 1,
Teapot dome president 2,
Martha washington s first marriag...
4  cards
Chief justice before roberts 1,
Associate justice under nixon chi...,
Law can t sell alcohol on sundays 3
4  cards
World Leaders (non-US)
First president of the czech repu...,
King constantine country 2,
Chinese leader 1970s 1980s 3
3  cards
US culture
Nickname for the 70s 1,
Upside down airplane misprinted s...
2  cards
Sports: players/athletes/coaches
100 point basketball scorer 1970s 1,
Philadelphia warrior basketball p...,
Heat lakers knicks coach 3
11  cards
Sports: teams
Columbus ohio nhl team named for ...
1  cards
non-US culture
Dance portuguese for new tendency 1
1  cards
US government mechanics
Ice acronym 1,
Semper paratus motto 2,
General manager of the white hous...
5  cards
Nature and animals
Heliotrope gem name 1,
Product made from nutmeg covering 2,
Megaptera whale 3
7  cards
US natural geography
Large southwest us desert 1,
Mount rainier state 2
2  cards
US cities/towns geography
Wenatchee state 1,
Talladega state 2,
Cimarron state 3
3  cards
Model formerly married to billy j...
1  cards
You can t handle the truth movie 1,
Jack nicholson piano title movie ...,
Up where we belong song movie 3
3  cards
Wisteria lane show 1,
Jetsons dog 2
2  cards
United Kingdom/Ireland
____ died 1305 ____ won battle of...,
Welsh mining 2,
Capital of wales 3
12  cards
Black history
A founder of naacp 1,
Black hymn 2,
Ny first black woman in congress ...
4  cards
Newest canadian territory 1999 1,
Whistler resort canadian province 2,
L anse aux meadows canadian provi...
3  cards
Blue mountains country 1,
Saint domingue country current na...,
Jean bertrand aristide president ...
6  cards
South America/Central America
Sandinistas country 1,
Daniel ortega president country 2,
Smallest and most densely populat...
11  cards
Sports rules
Baseball game where no one gets t...
1  cards
Non-British monarchs
King of spain 1886 1931 1,
Medici queen of france 2
2  cards
Polish astronomer 1,
Danish astronomer 2,
New zealand physicist nucleus rad...
4  cards
Old Hollywood/old movies
Louis b mayer production company 1
1  cards
1600s queen christina country 1,
King haakon country 2,
Svalbard country 3
3  cards
South Asia
Country established 1947 1,
Financial and commercial center o...
2  cards
Non-pop non-classical music
White christmas composer 1,
God bless america composer 2,
Wynton and branford trumpet playe...
3  cards
Air travel
Mccarran airport city state 1,
El al airline country 2,
Pilot broke the sound barrier 3
3  cards
Small European countries
Country between france and spain 1,
Andorra mountain range 2,
Liechtenstein border countries 3
4  cards
Art: Painters
1800 court painter spanish king c...,
1600s court painter spanish king ...,
Elder younger german painters 3
6  cards
Northwest region of france with e...
1  cards
Northeast United States
1889 johnstown flood state 1,
New castle state 2
2  cards
Southwest United States
Palace of the governors city 1
1  cards
European natural geography
Italy austria pass 1,
Romanian mountains 2
2  cards
East Asia
Mao cultural revolution enforcer ...,
English name for guangzhou 2
2  cards
Children's Literature
Beatrix potter title squirrel 1,
Johanna spyri orphan girl swiss a...
2  cards
Midwest United States
Mall of america state 1,
Elkhart state 2
2  cards
Western United States
Natural colorado amphitheater 1,
Embarcadero city 2,
Molly brown city 3
5  cards
Southern United States
Southernmost texas city on the ri...,
Tennessee city worked on atomic b...
2  cards
Western Europe
German parliament 1,
Building where german parliament ...,
German prison for nazis 3
5  cards
Historical leaders
Napoleon second wife 1
1  cards
Literature: Science Fiction
Mother night author 1,
Ender s game author 2
2  cards
Step for two french dance 1,
Aaron copland western ballet 2
2  cards
Helen of troy s husband 1,
Nymph apollo loved 2,
Cupid s human lover 3
6  cards
Minyan number of jewish men 1,
Anglican prayer book 2,
January 6 magi holiday 3
9  cards
Literature: 21st century
Elizabeth strout stories about ma...
1  cards
Southeast Asia
Mindanao country 1,
White elephant country 2,
Kampuchea modern name 3
3  cards
Literature: Recent/Modern
Black dahlia author 1,
La confidential author 2,
Series by veronica roth 3
4  cards
European political history
1814 1815 congress 1,
Disputed germany denmark area 2
2  cards
Clothes and fashion
United colors fashion guy 1,
Ballet shoes manufacturer 2,
Tutu fabric 3
3  cards
City locations
Dubrovnik country 1,
Cedar rapids state 2
2  cards
Literature: non-western/non-English authors
Anti apartheid female author 1
1  cards
Hmo 1
1  cards
Literature: Crime and Detective
Lord peter wimsey author 1,
Alex cross character author 2
2  cards
Literature: Famous Authors
Daniel deronda author 1,
The mayor of casterbridge author 2,
Young stephen dedalus character n...
4  cards
Defunct microsoft online encyclop...,
Year of us invasion of grenada 2,
Lagest moon of neptune 3
44  cards
Animal nickname for regions aroun...,
Built by ferdinand de lesseps 2,
Boot named after polo period 3
14  cards
1980 miracle on ice olympic city 1
1  cards
Authors I never heard of
The nightingale french sisters in...,
David mitchell novel 2,
Audrey niffenegger novel 3
3  cards
Effie white character musical 1,
Somewhere over the rainbow compos...
2  cards
Language similar to hindi but in ...
1  cards

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