british empire - 2. imperial consolidation and liberal rule 1890-1914

This class was created by Brainscape user Barney Hennessey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. Fashoda and Sudan
Who was appointed the commander i...,
What was kitchener given orders t...,
What did kitchener want to conquer
15  cards
2. Expansion and Consolidation in Africa
Consolidation definition,
Reasons for british consolidation...,
Why did britain want to expand em...
22  cards
3. Why did the Second Boer War Start in 1899?
How did british imperialist desir...,
What discovery in 1886 further co...,
What did inhabitants of the south...
21  cards
4. Impact of the Second Boer War
How did the british initially fee...,
State 1 of the boer war,
Where did the british suffer defe...
46  cards
5. Poverty in Early 20th Century Britain
What did charles booth do,
What categories did charles booth...,
Beliefs of gladstonian liberalism
10  cards
6. How did the British Consolidate Control in India between 1890 and 1914?
When was the government of india act,
What did the government of india ...,
What was the government of india ...
15  cards
7. Administration of India
Which groups of people criticised...,
What aspects of british rule in i...,
What was established on 1885 to c...
26  cards
8. Development of Administration in Egypt betwen 1890 and 1914
What was egypt always referred to as,
What was british rule of egypt me...,
What did egypt officially belong to
17  cards
9. Denshawai and the Growth of the Egyptian Nationalist Movement
When was the denshawai incident,
What action by the british office...,
What happened in denshawai as a r...
18  cards
10. Sudan 1890-1914
What happened in sudan in 1881,
What treaty did salisbury sign in...,
What gave salisbury the excuse he...
21  cards
11. International Relationships 1890-1914
What power had been seen as the m...,
Why had russia been seen as the m...,
How did germany become a threat t...
24  cards
12. Trade and Commerce
What beliefs dominated 18th centu...,
Mercantilism and protectionism,
Where are colonies expected to se...
41  cards
13. Attitudes Towards Imperialism
What patriotic british song was w...,
What does land of hope and glory ...,
Reaction to imperialism of the press
50  cards
14. Joseph Chamberlain (Additional Information)
What did jc set up in 1897 and 1902,
Why was the lcc created,
How successful was the lcc
21  cards

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british empire - 2. imperial consolidation and liberal rule 1890-1914

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