This class was created by Brainscape user Kristiana Sarte. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

ENTM 1000 test #1
Characteristics of arthropods 6,
Characteristics of insects,
What are the different types of i...
187  cards
MBIO 1010 lecture 1
Microbiology definition,
Which microorganisms are visible ...,
Which microbes are multicellular
73  cards
AGRI 1600 quiz #1
Are bees considered livestock or ...,
Definition of agriculture,
How is energy involved in agricul...
46  cards
MBIO 1010 lecture 2
Compound light microscopes,
What are the types of light micro...,
Bright field scope
21  cards
ENTM 1000 insect orders
How many insect orders are there,
How many orders show ametabolous ...,
How many orders show hemimetabolo...
40  cards
ENTM 1000 test #2
What is the lowest of arthropod s...,
Lice order
160  cards
ENTM 1000 test 2 definitions
67  cards
MBIO 1010 midterm (lecture 1-2)
Characteristics of cells 3,
73  cards
MBIO 1010 midterm (lecture 2)
Cytoplasmic membrane,
Phospholipid bilayer,
Ester phospholipid
131  cards
MBIO 1010 midterm (lectures 3 + 4)
63  cards
MBIO 1010 midterm (lectures 5 + 6)
Cardinal temperatures,
What happens at the minimum temp ...,
What happens at the maximum temp ...
60  cards
ENTM 1000 final
How many ants are there on earth ...,
Epigaeic forages,
How do ants control aphids which ...
241  cards
Lab Exam
Compound microscope,
Total magnification,
Brightfield microscopy
136  cards
ENTM 1000 final definitions
Epigaeic forages,
How do honeypot ants store food
43  cards
MBIO 1010 final- lecture 7a
lectures 7-11
66  cards
MBIO 1010 final - lecture 7b
Phylum euryarchaeota groups 3,
Methanogenic archaea example
15  cards
MBIO 1010 final - lecture 8
Immune system,
Innate immune system 4,
What does the innate immune syste...
61  cards
MBIO 1010 final - lecture 9
adaptive immune system
43  cards
MBIO 1010 final - lectures 10+11
vaccines + antimicrobial drugs and resistance
11  cards

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