business paper 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Madeline Rose. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

managing change
Internal causes of a change for a...,
Change in size of business,
Decrease in business size
14  cards
causes and effects of change
Labour productivity calcultion,
Labour turnover calculation,
Absentissm calculation
11  cards
reistance to change
Reasons for resistance to change,
How can we overcome resistance
2  cards
financial planning
Sale forecasting,
What does,
What factors affect sales forecas...
17  cards
resource management
What are the names of the four me...,
Job production and example,
Adv of job production
50  cards
external influences
What do interest rates tell us,
What does a fall in interest rate...,
What is the interest rate on savings
19  cards
business growth
What are some objectives of growth,
Inorganic growth,
14  cards
making business decisions
1  cards
business objectives and strategies
Mission statement,
Purpose of a mission statement,
Adv of mission statements
10  cards
raising finance
What is finance used for,
What is a source of a finance,
What is a method of finance
52  cards
managing finance
Formula for measuring percentage ...,
Gross profit formula,
Operating profit formuala
38  cards
meeting customer needs
Market definition,
Mass market,
Niche market
17  cards
gearing ratios
What does gearing show,
Where is the gearing ratio located,
How do you calculate the gearing ...
10  cards
organic growth and inorgnic growth
Organic growth,
Ways of oragnic growth,
Benefits of organic growth
11  cards
capacity utlaisation
Capcity utalsiation definition,
Under utalsiation definition
9  cards
managing stock
What is stock,
What type of prodcution does a bu...,
What is buffer stock
12  cards
quality managment
What is quality definition,
What types of businesses will foc...,
Adv of focuing on quality in the ...
13  cards
types of compeition
What are the 3 types of comeptition,
Perfect competition,
Opilogoy compeittion
4  cards
cooperate objectives
What is a mission statement,
Adv of mission statemtns,
Dis of mission statments
9  cards
ansoff matrix
What are the 4 parts of ansoff ma...,
Market penetration,
New product devlopment
8  cards
porters three generic stratgeis
What are the names of the 3 stragies,
Cost leaderhip,
6  cards
kays model
What are kays three distinctive c...,
What is architecture,
What is reputation
5  cards
SWOT analysis
What is a swot analysis,
Example of a strength,
Exmaple of a wekaness
6  cards
PESTLE analysis
What does pestle stand for,
7  cards
porters five forces model
What does it do,
What does it consist of,
Barriers to entry
13  cards
problems with growth
Dis of growing in size,
Why can quick inorganic growth be...,
Reasons why a business may want t...
3  cards
quantitive sales forecasting
0  cards
investment appraisal
What does investment appraisal he...,
Risks and return relaitonship,
What are the 3 methods business c...
6  cards
cash flow forceasts
What does it do,
Adv of cash flow forecasts,
Dis of cash flow forcasts
4  cards
critical pash analysis
What is it,
Adv of critical path analysis,
Dis of critical path analysis
4  cards
interest and inflation rates
Interest rates,
What are the two types of inflation
8  cards
problems with growth
Why can quick organic growth be a...,
Why may a business not want to gr...,
Why might a business choose to st...
4  cards

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business paper 2

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