This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Halliday. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Which ig is found in mucosa,
What produces endotoxin,
Which ig is found in breast milk
18  cards
resp buzzywords
Stony dull to percuss,
Right sided pleuritic chest pain,
Alveolar bat s wings kerley b lin...
57  cards
random resp things
Describe squamous cell
20  cards
random tings for GI
Coffee bean on xr,
Post hepatic cause of jaundice,
What does degenerative loss of ga...
53  cards
GI diseases simple
What is a squamous cell carcinoma,
What is an adenocarcinoma,
Peptic ulcer disease
30  cards
Gi treatments
Malignant tumours of the oesophagus,
Peptic ulcer disease,
25  cards
Gi investigations
Malignant tumours of the oesophagus,
Peptic ulcer disease,
16  cards
Gi buzzywords
Side effect of calciumchannel blo...,
Bird beak appearance and distende...,
Grey turner s lumbar redness and ...
48  cards
Staph aureus,
Methicillin resistant staph mrsa,
Cap curb 0 2
14  cards
principles things
What is the inner most layer of t...,
Bones of cranial vault
86  cards
cardio buzzywords
Patient has fever and pleuritic c...,
Irregularly irregular pulse,
Saw tooth baseline 150 bpm
50  cards
empirical treatments
Copd infection,
Helicobacter pylori infection,
13  cards
resp diseases simple
Type 1 resp failure
17  cards
resp diseases investigations
13  cards
resp diseases treatments
13  cards
resp physiology
What is internal respiration,
What is external respiration,
4 steps of external respiration
38  cards
principles dumes booklet pointers
What law explains baby s in respi...,
Which of the following cranial ne...,
Defines neoplasia
25  cards
cardio diseases simple
Hypovolemic shock
17  cards
cardio investigations
Peripheral vascular disease,
Stable angina
11  cards
cardio treatments
Intermittent claudication
14  cards
Gi physiology
What do chief cells do,
What do parietal cells do,
What increases stomach emptying
39  cards
principles pharmacology
Paracrine signals,
What are autocrine signals,
Endocrine signals
10  cards

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