This class was created by Brainscape user Cameron Santiago. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (103)

Wright Heme lecture
Name the 4 main types of leukemia 1,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What test should be done in all p...
62  cards
Mace - Blood
What is the ph of blood 1,
Temperature of blood relative to ...,
What percentage of blood is made ...
66  cards
Rheumatology 2
Symptoms of fibromyalgia 1,
Fibromyalgia is more common at wh...,
What is allodynia 3
82  cards
Rheumatology 3
What is the catch all term for pa...,
What is the most common presentin...,
What is the most common subtype o...
59  cards
C-Spine/Back Pain
What is the nexus criteria used f...,
What are the nexus criteria 2,
How many of the nexus criteria ne...
3  cards
MSK Rubric
Intro 1,
Inspection 2,
Palpate shoulder 3
38  cards
Mechanism of a suntan
Step 1 1,
Step 2 2,
Step 3 3
12  cards
Overview of antimicrobial pharm
What drugs are cell wall synthesi...,
Penicillins po iv or both 2,
What are two 1st generation cepha...
31  cards
Antitubercular agents
What 4 medications are used in tr...,
What are the 3 subpopulations of ...,
Which tb drugs are working on whi...
23  cards
Antifungal agents
What are dermatophytes 1,
Treatment for dermatophytes 2,
Do onychomycoses require topical ...
32  cards
Antiviral agents
What medications are neuraminidas...,
What antivirals can be used to tr...,
How are the following antivirals ...
13  cards
Antibiotic coverage
What bacteria does penicillin cov...,
Dicloxacillin 2,
Amoxicillin and ampicillin 3
28  cards
15 gi ros first 5 1,
15 gi ros 10 14 2,
15 gi ros 11 15 3
3  cards
Bone - Mace Exam 2
What are the components of the sk...,
What are the three types of carti...,
What are the types of bone tissue 3
46  cards
Hepatobiliary 1 - Paulson Exam 3
Functions of the liver include 1,
Function of bile 2,
Unconjugated bilirubin is a produ...
42  cards
Hepatobiliary 2 - Paulson exam 3
What is choledocolithiasis 1,
Symptoms of choledocolithiasis 2,
Lab abnormalities early in choled...
23  cards
Infectious Diarrhea
How long does acute diarrhea typi...,
Community outbreaks of acute diar...,
Describe stool in noninflammatory...
61  cards
Labs of GI
Important protein produced by the...,
Lft s 2,
Function of albumin 3
33  cards
Anatomy - Knee/ankle/foot
What muscles insert at the pes an...,
What muscles flex the knee 7 2,
What muscles extend the knee 2 3
25  cards
Pulm/Cardio/Abd practicum
General 1,
Pulmonary inspection 2,
Pulmonary palpation 3
12  cards
Autonomic Nervous System A and P
General function of sympathetic n...,
General functions of the parasymp...,
Sympathetic nervous system uses w...
15  cards
PSNS or SNS function? What receptor?
Contraction of iris radial muscle...,
Contraction of iris sphincter mus...,
Contraction of ciliary muscle len...
25  cards
Cholinergic agonists
What cholinergic agonists directl...,
What drugs are intermediate long ...,
What drugs are short acting indir...
13  cards
Cholinergic Antagonists
What cholinergic antagonists are ...,
What cholinergic antagonists are ...,
Effects of cholinergic antagonist...
11  cards
Adrenergic Agonists
What receptors do the following d...,
What other drugs are adrenergic a...,
Effect of adrenergic agonists on ...
10  cards
Adrenergic Antagonists
Which receptors do the following ...,
Effect of adrenergic antagonists ...,
Effect of adrenergic antagonists ...
8  cards
What is the effect of histamine o...,
What is the effect of histamine o...,
What is the effect of histamine o...
19  cards
What medications are topical deco...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
Name an important side effect of ...
6  cards
What meds are direct cholinergic ...,
What meds are indirect cholinergi...,
Mechanism of action for indirect ...
17  cards
Somatic Symptoms Disorders
Somatic symptom disorder 1,
Illness anxiety disorder 2,
Conversion disorder 3
25  cards
CML case 1 and 2: RA and osteoporosis
Name 3 risk factors for ra 1,
The main target for autoimmune pr...,
What structure is formed by synov...
43  cards
CML case 3 and 4: cirrhosis and internal medicine
Why do cirrhosis patients get pru...,
1st line treatment for cholestati...,
2nd line treatment for cholestati...
23  cards
Anemia short case
What is anemia 1,
Lower limits for hgb and hct in w...,
Lower limits for hgb and hct in m...
24  cards
Behavioral Med: Quiz 4
Lack of conscience animal cruelty...,
Predisposing factors for conduct ...,
Loses temper easily annoyed angry...
21  cards
Kidneys 101
3 basic functions of the kidneys 1,
The pct reabsorbs what percentage...,
The dct is mainly involved in rea...
40  cards
Kidneys part 2
Ckd is characterized by decreased...,
Most common causes of ckd 2,
What product is muscle metabolism...
26  cards
Kindeys part 3
What disease is characterized by ...,
What types of cysts can occur in ...,
A pathology report of a kidney cy...
12  cards
Urinary Casts
Rental tubular cells casts 1,
Rbc casts 2,
Wbc casts 3
6  cards
CKD classification
What two lab findings are used to...,
What gfr corresponds with a g1 cl...,
What gfr corresponds with a g2 cl...
20  cards
Renal System Part 1
The functional unit of the kidney...,
How many nephrons per kidney 2,
A nephron is composed of 3
50  cards
Renal Labs Part 2
What is the primary circulating c...,
What is the normal range for sodi...,
How does sodium indicate free bod...
48  cards
Infections of the Urinary Tract
Most common cause of utis 1,
What gender experiences more utis 2,
Symptoms of utis 3
17  cards
Peds Nephrology
What criteria must be met to diag...,
Most common cause of pediatric ckd 2,
Name 5 congenital diseases that c...
50  cards
What fraction of body water is in...,
The first space corresponds to 2,
The second space corresponds to 3
34  cards
Hyperkalemia and Hypokalemia
Hyperkalemia is serum potassium _...,
Where is most total body calcium ...,
3 broad causes of hyperkalemia 3
26  cards
RAAS Pathway
Step 1 1,
Step 2 2,
Step 3 3
13  cards
ANP pathway
Step 1 1,
Step 2 2,
Step 3 3
8  cards
ADH pathway
Step 1 1,
Step 2 2,
Step 3 3
9  cards
Aldosterone pathway
Stimulus for aldosterone pathway 1,
What receptors sense the above st...,
Response of adrenal cortex 3
7  cards
Renal Pathophys Part 1 - Schoeny (exam 3)
Normal urine production per day 1,
What is azotemia 2,
3 types of aki 3
64  cards
Renal Pathophys part 2 - Schoeny (exam 3)
Painless hematuria in a smoker wh...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
4 most common cause of asymptomat...
41  cards
GUT Urinary tract and pelvis
What structure separates the true...,
What structures pass through the ...,
What nerve roots supply the skele...
35  cards
Commentary - Anatomy GUT Women and Mens Health
The bony pelvis is composed of th...,
Describe the positioning of the p...,
What are the margins of the pelvi...
61  cards
Lower abd fascial layers
The superficial fascia of the low...,
What 3 fascia s are continuous wi...,
What fascia is separate and confi...
10  cards
Final Practicum
General survey 1,
Psych 2,
Derm 3
18  cards
Pathophys reproductive system
Production of gametes occurs wher...,
Sperm are produced by _____ which...,
Ova are produced by _____ which a...
76  cards
Pathophys acid base water
Where is the majority of body flu...,
The majority of extracellular flu...,
What electrolytes are stored prim...
36  cards
Pharmacotherapy of Heart Failure - Summary
What medication is the first line...,
What class of medication is furos...,
Moa of furosemide 3
46  cards
Antianginal agents
What 3 classes of medications are...,
Give 3 examples of nitrates 2,
Give 3 examples of calcium channe...
20  cards
Moa of unfractionated heparin ufh 1,
Moa of low molecular weight hepar...,
Moa of warfarin 3
41  cards
Antiplatelet agents
Moa of aspirin 1,
What 4 drugs platelet adp p2y12 r...,
Moa of dipyridamole 3
15  cards
PSGN and Rheumatic Fever
What bacteria causes psgn 1,
What are the two main nephitogeni...,
T f the most common cause of neph...
23  cards
PID and Abuse Case
A complication of pid causes ruq ...,
What is the cause of the ruq pain...,
What would you see in laparoscopy...
51  cards
Gh deficiency is treated with 1,
Laron syndrome is treated with 2,
Treatment for acromegaly 3
63  cards
Adrenal Pharmacology
In order for corticosteroids to b...,
Corticosteroids refers to 2,
Function of glucocorticoids 3
45  cards
Estrogens - Progestins
The release of gnrh from the hypo...,
Fsh and lh stimulate the ovarian ...,
The corpus luteum release what ho...
32  cards
Pharmacology of Androgens
Gnrh is released by the _____ whi...,
Lh stimulates ____ cells to produ...,
Testosterone promotes production ...
44  cards
HIV - Schoenwald
Hiv is a disease of _____ immunity 1,
Function of cd4 cells 2,
Hiv transmission can be broken do...
89  cards
Reproductive Pharmacology
Cervical dilatation is dependent ...,
Uterine contractions are stimulat...,
How can nsaids delay onset of lab...
12  cards
Pain Overview
What type of pain is primarily no...,
What medications should be used f...,
What medications should be used f...
5  cards
Local Anesthetics
Mechanism of action of local anes...,
What is the most important consid...,
What types of nerve fibers are th...
21  cards
Glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory agents
Glucocorticoids inhibit the synth...,
List some side effects of excess ...
2  cards
Trauma 1
2 main forces of trauma 1,
A fall greater than ___ in an adu...,
A fall greater than ___ in a chil...
45  cards
Altitude Illness
What is considered high altitude 1,
Tissue cannot acclimatize to past...,
What anatomical structure detects...
14  cards
Dr. Sacklord lectures
After a contraction it is normal ...,
What is a late decel is it normal...,
What is an early decel is it norm...
65  cards
Sepsis/Septic Shock
What is sepsis 1,
What is septic shock 2,
How is organ dysfunction determin...
36  cards
Layers of skin from superficial t...,
Burns are categorized into what c...,
Third degree burns are characteri...
24  cards
NSAIDs Table
List the traditional nsaids 6 1,
Mechanism of action of traditiona...,
Where are each of the traditional...
19  cards
Opioids Table
What is the mechanism of action o...,
Are opioids antipyretic or anti i...,
Uses for opioids 3
7  cards
Family Medicine EOR
Presenting symptoms of a cervical...,
Causes of cervical neck strains 2,
Name some red flags when evaluati...
509  cards
Family Medicine EOR part 2
Treatment for vasospastic angina 1,
Precipitating factors for vasospa...,
Describe the typical vasospastic ...
333  cards
Peds EOR
True or false the height and weig...,
What is the gold standard test to...,
What may be seen on laryngoscope ...
455  cards
Define stage 1 and stage 2 hypert...,
What is the equation for blood pr...,
Risk factors for primary essentia...
30  cards
What is the initial therapy for p...,
Why is metformin the first line t...,
What factors improve tolerance of...
17  cards
murmurs/ congenital heart disease
Heard best at left lower sternal ...,
Continuous murmur right sternal b...,
No murmur 3
10  cards
Antimicrobial Review (Schoney)
What classes of antibiotics make ...,
What form of penicillin is iv im ...,
What is the name for the long act...
123  cards
Diabetes Meds
What class of diabetes medication...,
What class of diabetes medication...,
What class of diabetes medication...
17  cards
Colitis Case
What are bacterial causes of bloo...,
What are causes of watery diarrhea 2,
What causes of colitis should be ...
11  cards
Evaluating Abd Pain
What is the most sensitive physic...,
A patient with ruq pain has a ruq...,
A patient with ruq pain has a ruq...
51  cards
Eval of Dyspnea In PC
1 3 of patients with dyspnea do n...,
What symptoms accompanied by dysp...,
What symptoms accompanied by dysp...
17  cards
Cardiac Cases
Inr foal for an atrial fib patient 1,
Inr goal for a patient with valve...,
T f coumadin failure is defined a...
36  cards
Psychiatry EOR
What are the symptoms of serotoni...,
Is serotonin syndrome fast or slo...,
What criteria is used to diagnosi...
327  cards
Emergency Medicine EOR
Shoulder impingement syndrome is ...,
What physical exam special test f...,
How is the hawkins kennedy test p...
431  cards
ToL EM cardiology
What is the most common valve inv...,
What organisms are most commonly ...,
What diagnostic studies should be...
69  cards
ToL EM Ortho/Rheum
A cervical neck sprain presents w...,
What is a spurling test 2,
What imaging is diagnostic for ca...
76  cards
ToL EM GI/Nutrition
Name 4 physical exam signs that m...,
What is the initial imaging for s...,
What is the confirmatory imaging ...
36  cards
Pediatric vital signs
Hr for new born 0 1 month 1,
Heart rate for infants 1 month to...,
Heart rate for 2 6 years 3
22  cards
Bluish discoloration of the vagin...,
Softening and cyanosis of the cer...,
Softening of the uterus after 6 w...
21  cards
Women's Health Rosh Review
What is the best test to evaluate...,
In menopause are fsh levels high ...,
What is the median age for menopa...
497  cards
Gen Surg Rosh Review
What is the first step in managem...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the best imaging for sbo 3
196  cards
Internal Med Rosh Review
Describe the typical patient who ...,
To which side would the mediastin...,
What pathologic finding is associ...
155  cards
IM Rheumatology
What three drugs are approved to ...,
What does synovial fluid analysis...,
What is the treatment for an acut...
24  cards
IM Hematology
What is the physiologic cause of ...,
What is the inheritance pattern o...,
What ethnicities is g6pd deficien...
37  cards

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