cambridge technicals level 3 it

This class was created by Brainscape user Harry Symes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Hardware
What is hardware,
What are the hardware categories,
What are three examples of input ...
9  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Computer Components
What does a processor do,
What does the power supply do,
What does the motherboard do
4  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Storage/Memory Devices
What are storage devices,
What is the difference between st...,
What are three examples of storage
9  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Ports
What is a port,
What are three examples of ports,
What does a usb do
5  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Expansion Cards
What is an expansion card,
Where do expansion cards go,
What are three examples of expans...
3  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Computer Systems
What are three examples of comput...,
How do quantum computers run with...,
What is a mainframe computer
5  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Connectivity Methods
What are the three methods of ele...,
What are some charateristics of c...,
What are some characteristics of ...
4  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Communications Hardware
What s one similarity of hubs and...,
What s one difference of hubs and...,
What are three examples of commun...
8  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Hardware Troubleshooting
What is troubleshooting,
What are the steps of formal faul...,
What could be a potential fix to ...
6  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Binary Units
What is a bit,
What is 1 nibble,
What is 1 byte
6  cards
Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT LO1 Hexadecimal
After what digit does hexadecimal...,
Where does hexadecimal end,
What does one letter number of he...
4  cards

More about
cambridge technicals level 3 it

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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