This class was created by Brainscape user jamie Sanderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

1.1 Background - Cancer
What is cancer,
How are solid tumours classified,
What are the 3 ways a tumour migh...
24  cards
1.2 Risk Factors - Cancer
List 8 modifiable risk factors fo...,
List 2 modifiable risk factors,
Why is cancer more common in the ...
3  cards
1.3 The 6 hall marks of cancer?
What are the 6 hallmarks of cancer,
What are 4 emerging hallmarks of ...
2  cards
1.4 Basics - Cancer Management
Which team looks after cancer pat...,
What are the benefits of an mdt,
What are the factors whcih need t...
21  cards
2.1 Chemotherapy - Introduction
What is chemotherapy,
Timehow might side effects be cla...,
What 4 chemotherapy related side ...
8  cards
2.2 Alkylating agents
What are the 5 different classes ...,
Which broad class of chemotherapy...,
What are the 5 classes of alkylat...
13  cards
2.3 Platinum based cancer drugs
Are platinum based drugs alkylati...,
Give an example of 3 platinum bas...,
What is the suffix for all platin...
5  cards
2.4 Folic Acid Analogs
What are the 5 different classes ...,
What are 3 different classes of a...,
Name 4 folic acid analogs
13  cards
2.5 Purine & Pyrimidine Analogs
What are the 5 different classes ...,
Name two purine analogs,
Name two pyrimidine analogs
12  cards
2.6 Topoisomerase inhibitors
What are the 5 different classes ...,
What are the 2 types of of topoi ...,
Name 2 topoisomerase 1 inhibitors
11  cards
2.7 Mitotic inhibitors
What are the 5 different classes ...,
What other description are mitoti...,
Which phase of the cell cycle do ...
15  cards
2.8 Anti tumour antibiotics
What are the 5 different classes ...,
Name 3 anti tumour antibiotics,
Broadly what is the mode of actio...
11  cards
2.9 Other cytotoxic drugs
What are the two reasons why cyto...,
Name 3 other types of cytotoxic d...,
What is the mode of action of asp...
9  cards
3.1 Introduction Targeted Therapy
What are the two types of molecul...,
What is the difference between sm...,
How are small molecule drugs admi...
9  cards
3.2 Small molecules - TKIs
What are small molecules referred...,
What is the primary intra cellula...,
What does protein kinase do
7  cards
3.3 Large Molecules, Monoclonal antibodies
What is a monoclonal antibody,
What are the 4 types of monoclona...,
What is the suffix for a monoclon...
9  cards
3.4 Antigen drug targets
What is an antigen,
What is a common antigen found in...,
What is non hogkins lymphoma
9  cards
3.5 Tumour vessel targets - Angiogenesis
What is angiogenesis,
What is the proces of angiogenesis,
Name one tumour vessel target whi...
8  cards
3.6 Downstream receptor targets
What are the 2 types of downstrea...,
What does the p13k akt mtor signa...,
Which 3 kinases feed into the p13...
17  cards
3.7 Cancer specific targeting.
What is the hallmark of chronic m...,
Myeloid wbc what is chronic myelo...,
What is the bcr abl fusion gene
19  cards
4.0 Immunotherapy
What are the 2 main immune checkp...,
What is the programmed cell death...,
How does pd 1 work in a healthy i...
12  cards
5.0 Hormone therapies
How might cancers be referred to ...,
What type of hormones are typical...
26  cards
6.1 Wk 2 - Role of Cancer Pharmacist
What is the estimated of new pati...,
How is cancer care delivered in t...,
What is a cancer alliance group
14  cards
6.2 Wk 4 - Metastatic Cancer
What is metastasis,
What are metastases,
What is metastatic breast cancer
25  cards
6.3 Wk 4 - Resistance to chemotherapy
Important point,
Broadly what are the two types of...,
What are the 4 models of drug res...
23  cards
6.4 Wk-4 SEs associated with chemo.
What are the typical side effects...,
When does nausea or vomiting occur,
How is nausea and vomiting graded
20  cards
6.5 Wk-5 Precision vs Personalised medicine.
What is pharmacogenetics,
How has the price of genomic sequ...,
Why bother
17  cards
6.6 Wk 5 New & emerging therapies
What is the role of targeted ther...,
What is the aetiology of cancer,
What is the mechanism of resistan...
27  cards
6.7a Wk-5 Palliation
Definition palliative care,
What is the goal of palliative care,
What is important to understand
10  cards
6.7b Palliation - Symptom Management
Which symptoms are very commonly ...,
What dose nhs england suggest are...,
What is pain
34  cards
6.7c Oncologic emergencies
Name 2 oncologic emergencies,
What are the symptoms of neutropa...,
How do nice recommend you treat n...
4  cards
6.7d Pre Emptive Medicaction
What is a pre emptive medication,
What would typical pre emptive me...,
What is a syringe driver
8  cards
6.7e How to you take care of the dying?
How do you approach a conversatio...,
When might this conversation not ...
5  cards
7.0 WK7 Cancer in the community
How many people may get cancer in...,
Why has survival rates improved,
What impact did covid have on can...
20  cards
8.0a Wk7 Kids - Pain
What model can you use to assess ...,
What if the child cannot tell you...,
What other models can be used
7  cards
8.0b Wk7 Asthma - Kids
What is the first challenge of as...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
Risk factors
15  cards
8.0c Wk 7 Asthma
0  cards

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