This class was created by Brainscape user Kirsty Mallett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lecture 2
What is cardiac output,
What are some points of regulatio...,
If someone weighs 70kg what would...
28  cards
Lecture 3
By how much does sympathetic stim...,
Inhibiting the sympathetic system...,
Parasympathetic stimulation decre...
38  cards
Lecture 4
0  cards
Lecture 5
Congenital heart defects
49  cards
Lecture 11
Where do the aorta and great vess...,
What are the great vessels that c...,
Where do the coronary arteries le...
15  cards
Lecture 6
Describe the on mechanisms for ca...,
Where does trigger calcium come from,
Where does the calcium released i...
22  cards
Lecture 7
Why is there a delay at the av node,
P wave,
P r interval
41  cards
Lecture 8
How does the sympathetic system i...,
How does sympathetic system incre...,
What are t tubukes
12  cards
Lecture 9
What does intracellular calcium i...,
What is the h zone of a sarcomere,
What are the thin filaments attac...
7  cards
Lecture 10
What is pre load,
What is after load,
What 2 laws determine changes tha...
14  cards
Lecture 15
What day after fertilisation does...,
What day does the blastocyte reac...,
What day does the blastocyte impl...
19  cards
Lecture 12
What is the order of blood vessels,
What is resistance to flow determ...,
What is compliance
15  cards
Lecture 13
Which organ has the highest blood...,
Which organ has a high extra capa...,
What is the main determinant of flow
24  cards
Lecture 14
What did no used to be called,
What is the no mechanism,
What is no broken down by
18  cards
Lecture 16
0  cards

More about
cardiovascular physiology

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