This class was created by Brainscape user Victor Redmon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Blood Vessels (Vascular System)
What is the mission of the vascul...,
How far does the cell have to be ...,
Where do the lymphatics drain fro...
24  cards
Cardiac Cell Biology
Similarities between cardiac musc...,
Differences between cardiac muscl...,
What are intercalated discs what ...
18  cards
Cardiac Anatomy
Normal or abnormal,
Normal or abnormal,
Describe what you are examining o...
34  cards
Lipoprotein Biochemistry
What is the purpose of triglyceri...,
Why is cholesterol important,
What are the four major steps of ...
55  cards
Atherosclerosis Pharmacology
How do cells obtain regulate chol...,
What is the relationship between ...,
Therapeutic overview why do we ad...
76  cards
Lipoprotein and Lipid Disorders
Abbreviations ascvd cad,
Atherosclerosis timeline growth m...,
Cardiovascular disease death rate...
45  cards
Basic Electrophysiology
Internal concentration of ions in...,
Na k cl ca,
What is responsible for the zero ...
39  cards
Ischemic Heart Disease
Define ischemic heart disease,
What is the leading cause of deat...,
What causes ihd
34  cards
Direction of electrical current f...,
At rest the cell surface is _____...,
How many reference axes are in th...
35  cards
ACS Physiology and Pharmacology
What spectrum do clinical feature...,
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the clinical features fo...
11  cards
What is the only anti thrombotic ...,
Which protease is responsible for...,
What cocagulation cascade protein...
36  cards
Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease
What is ischemic heart diseases a...,
What makes up myocardial oxygen s...,
What influences myocardial oxygen...
60  cards
CIHD and ACS Clinical Correlates
What is levine s sign,
What is the clinical presentation...,
Stemi progression on ecg
12  cards
Blood Vessels and Atherosclerosis
What are the basic components of ...,
What are the three types of arteries,
What are examples of the large or...
43  cards
Valvular Heart Disease Pathology and Clinical
What is the purpose of cardiac va...,
What are the two basic types of v...,
What are the major valvular disea...
42  cards
Infectious Heart Disease
List the common etiological agent...,
How do the etiological agents gai...,
How are ie pathogens successful
37  cards
Heart Failure
Define heart failure what does it...,
Define cardiac output what determ...,
Define preload what increases as ...
49  cards
Acute Heart Failure
What is heart failure,
Overall five year mortality for h...,
What is the biggest risk for hf
58  cards
What is shock,
Untreated shock leads to,
6 types of shock
59  cards
What is cardiomyopathy,
What do cardiomyopathies produce,
What is the difference between pr...
51  cards
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
What are the classes of anti arrh...,
What is the mechanism of class i ...,
What is a class 1a drug what are ...
28  cards
Mechanism and Clinical Mechanisms of Cardiac Arrhythmias
What is bradycardia and what does...,
What is supraventricular tachycar...,
What is the normal gradient of au...
39  cards
What is the arterial pressure equ...,
How can arterial pressure increase,
What class of drugs affects vascu...
64  cards
Pathology of Hypertension
Hypertension morphology large med...,
Which age group is hyaline arteri...,
What is the morphology of hyaline...
39  cards
Hypertension - Pharmacology
Increasing blood pressure is asso...,
As blood pressure rises does htn ...,
Hypertension is most common in __...
64  cards
Cardio Devo
Where are cardiac precursors loca...,
What is acardia and its cause,
What do precursor cells in the he...
45  cards
Congenital Heart Disease
What is congenital heart disease ...,
When do nomalies arise what are t...,
Final changes of embryogenesis
30  cards
10 class Fun Friday Fuckery
In fetal circulation where is the...,
2  cards
Peripheral Vascular Disease
What is an aneurysm what is an ar...,
What are the two pathologic proce...,
How does inadequate or abnormal s...
41  cards
Disease of the Peripheral Arteries, Aorta, and Vasculitis
What is intermittent claudication,
Why is peripheral artery disease ...,
What is done on physical examinat...
25  cards
Pericardial Diseases
Pericardium is composed of,
Describe how the visceral pericar...,
Describe how the parietal pericar...
28  cards
Genetics of Inherited CV Disease
What are the three basic inherita...,
If affected parents have a 50 cha...,
What is reduced penetrance
52  cards
Psychiatry and CV Disease
__ of adults with mental disorder...,
Are cardiac risk factors more inc...,
What physiologic risk factors are...
36  cards
Cardiac and Vascular Masses
What is thrombosis,
What are lines of zahn,
What is virchows triad in thrombosis
36  cards
Women and Cardiac Health
What is the number one killer of ...,
What is worrying about women s aw...,
Who dies of heart disease more me...
22  cards

More about
cardiovascular system

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