This class was created by Brainscape user Jeffery Kerner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Odomirok - RBC
What are the 2 main components of...,
When are insurance companies requ...,
In the rbc formula how many categ...
36  cards
What are the 4 categories of iris...,
What is iris 1 and how is it calc...,
What is iris 2 and how is it calc...
23  cards
Cook - High Risk Personal Auto and Residual Market
Why are residual market programs ...,
Why are residual market programs ...,
What are the justifications for a...
23  cards
Odomirok - Schedule F
What are the parts of schedule f ...,
What information is shown on sche...,
What are the categories shown on ...
34  cards
Germani - Government Insurance
What area the reasons for governm...,
What are the 3 levels of govermen...,
What are the criteria for evaluat...
25  cards
Klann - Reinsurance Commutation
What are the 9 functions of reins...,
What is a reinsurance commutation,
What are the reasons and or motiv...
15  cards
Horn - Private Flood Insurance and NFIP
What was the primary reason for t...,
What is nfip,
What are the policy goals of nfip...
17  cards
Odomirok - Income Statement
What are the sources of income on...,
What is the formula for underwrit...,
How is the incurred loss lae calc...
25  cards
Porter - Chapter 2 Development of Insurance Regulation
What are the primary purposes of ...,
What is the pre seau history of i...,
Pre seau why did the sherman clay...
15  cards
Vaughn - Crisis
What are the 3 reasons for regula...,
What is regulatory fallibility,
What is regulatory regulatory for...
10  cards
Odomirok - Insurance Expense Exhibit (IEE)
What information is shown on the ...,
Who are the users of the iee 6,
Why does an actuary use the iee
19  cards
Odomirok - Schedule P
What are the most important uses ...,
What are the parts of schedule p 7,
How do you calculate case reserve...
20  cards
Odomirok - GAAP
Which came first sap or gaap,
What is the fundamental differenc...,
What are the key areas of differe...
25  cards
Freihaut - Reinsurance Risk Transfer
Why is important to the ceding co...,
Identify 2 conditions for a contr...,
What are 2 qualitative methods fo...
18  cards
What are 6 functions of reinsurance,
What elements must be presnet for...,
What type of interest rate must b...
6  cards
Odomirok - Taxation
What is the basis for taxation fo...,
What is the formula for tax basis...,
What 2 components of income need ...
13  cards
AAA Uncollectible Reinsurance
What are the 2 main causes of rei...,
What are the main causes of an in...,
What are the main causes of an un...
12  cards
Porter - Insolvency
What are the primary reasons for ...,
What are the main steps in state ...,
What reasons may preclude the man...
16  cards
What is the purpose of the sao st...,
What is the organization of the s...,
In what situations would an insur...
5  cards

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cas exam 6us

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