case 19 - meningitis

This class was created by Brainscape user Ashraf Moosa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

List the three 3 true barrier sys...,
Describe the structural specializ...,
Name the anatomical structure tha...
19  cards
Draw and label a schematic repres...,
Name the meningeal layers from in...,
Describe how the dura mater compa...
6  cards
How much cerebrospinal fluid does...,
Discuss the production and circul...,
By use of a flow chart or annotat...
8  cards
State in full which three 3 bacte...,
Explain why these bacteria are im...,
List six different pathological c...
22  cards
Jason is a 4 y o who complains of...,
State the most common endocrine d...,
Describe how you would suspect th...
34  cards
Give the total volume of csf pres...,
Give the volume of the total dail...,
List four functions of cerebrospi...
9  cards
Outline four 4 ways in which viru...,
Describe the anatomical differenc...,
97  cards
Name the vaccine used to protect ...,
This vaccine is derived from an o...,
How effective is the vaccine at p...
11  cards
Compare and contrast the oral pol...,
Name the two 2 available vaccines...,
Name the aetiological agents resp...
13  cards
Describe appropriate post exposur...,
Name the two 2 modalities used in...,
Describe the post exposure prophy...
7  cards
Describe the three 3 forms of mea...,
Briefly describe measles inclusio...,
Name the three 3 forms of encepha...
4  cards
Marie is a 30 year old woman of n...,
Explain the implications that thi...,
Give the csf syphilis serology re...
4  cards
Outline the public health respons...,
The following forest plot shows t...,
Based on the results of this meta...
17  cards
List the layers of soft tissues t...,
In performing a lumbar puncture i...,
Explain with the aid of diagrams ...
4  cards
Brain Abscess
Give two sites of primary infecti...,
Name two organisms that are commo...,
A three year old girl mary smith ...
11  cards

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case 19 - meningitis

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