cc german grammar

This class was created by Brainscape user christine collins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

German Nouns
What genders can german nouns have,
Why is it important to know the g...,
Translate to germanthe man
47  cards
German Cases
What are the four cases in german,
What is the nominative case used for,
Translate to germanthe girl sings
64  cards
German Plurals
What is the plural ofdie blume th...,
Translate to germanthe flowers we...,
Where are you going with the flowers
60  cards
Weak Nouns
Decline der junge the boy,
Decline die jungen the boys,
Translate to germanthe psychologist
23  cards
Proper Nouns
Translate to germanto mr schmidt,
Anna s book
11  cards
Personal Pronouns : subject pronouns
Translate to germani,
I m going to italy next week,
24  cards
What is an article?
What are the two types of articles,
What are the definite german nomi...,
Translate to germanthe man
17  cards
Using the Definite Article
Translate to germanthe prices are...,
Life is beautiful,
Time flies by
30  cards
Words declined like the definite article
Declinealle all of them,
Translate to germanwe ve seen the...,
All his courage was gone
39  cards
Words declined like the definite article 2
Solche such such a,
Translate to germani would also l...,
Declinewelcher which which one
19  cards
Indefinite Articles
Translate to germanthere is a bus,
She has a new jacket,
He gave it to a child
29  cards
Words declined like the indefinite article
What is the german possessive adj...,
Your informal,
His its
23  cards
Using Adjectives
What is an adjective,
Translate to germanthe new book i...,
I wanted to give it to the old woman
7  cards
Making Adjectives agree
Declineder alte mann the old man,
Translate to germanthe old man li...,
He helps the old man with the sho...
58  cards
Participles as adjectives
In english what is a present part...,
How is the present particple form...,
Translate to germanon the table w...
13  cards
Adjectives used as nouns
What is an adjectival noun,
Translate to germanthe new employ...,
She is the new employee
5  cards
Some other points about adjectives
Translate to germancologne cathed...,
I want a frankfurter sausage,
I like swiss cheese
11  cards
Comparatives of adjectives
To compare people or things,
What is the comparative ofeinfacher,
Translate to germandas war viel e...
36  cards
Superlatives of adjectives
Superlatives are used to compare ...,
You add st to the normal form of ...,
Translate to germanyour homework ...
27  cards
How are adverbs formed
How are adverbs used,
How are adverbs formed in english,
How are adverbs formed in german
51  cards
Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs
Translate to germanshe runs faste...,
I see him less often than before,
He runs as fast as his brother
23  cards

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cc german grammar

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study christine collins's CC German Grammar flashcards for their meouwkins academy of arts a d sciences class now!

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