This class was created by Brainscape user Dema Hassan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

lecture 1: overview of the eukaryotic cell
List all the components of a euka...,
2  cards
lecture 2: cell signalling
What are the 7 signalling pathways,
General mechanisms in cell signal...,
3  cards
cytoskeleton: actin filaments
Structure of an actin filament,
How are afs organised,
Actin polymerisation can produce ...
16  cards
cytoskeleton; intermediate filaments
Where are they found,
Structure and function,
If differ from af and mt
19  cards
cell nucleus; chromatin structure
What is the chromatin,
Early models of interphase,
Electron micrograph
18  cards
cell differentiation
Cell differentiation,
Cell lineage,
Es cell
40  cards
cytoskeleton; microtubules
What are the 4 functions of micro...,
Structure of a microtubule,
Structure of a protofilament
25  cards
cell types in inflammatory response
Mast cells,
Natural killer cell nkc
4  cards
DNA, RNA and protein isolation
Different disease modelling appro...,
What are some examples of in vitr...,
Two examples of cells in cultures
35  cards
manipulating cells in culture; generation of in vivo gain-of-function and loss-of-function models
What is loss of function,
What is gain of function,
How is gene silencing achieved
25  cards
DNA and RNA analysis
What are several methods of analy...,
What is karyotyping,
What is a karyotype
25  cards
in vitro experimentation; proteins, DNA-proteins interactions
How can we separate proteins,
How can we detect proteins,
How can we study protein complex ...
26  cards
application of invitro; study of primary lymphoedema
Where is the lymphatic system,
What does the lymphatic system co...,
What are the functions of the lym...
9  cards

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cell & molecular biology

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