cellular and molecular pathology

This class was created by Brainscape user Jocasta Cochrane. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

2. Genetics and disease 1
What are some germline defeats,
What are some somatic defects,
What cells do germline defects ef...
72  cards
3. Genetics and disease 2 - Monogenic disorders
What are monogenic disorders,
What can mutations in monogenic d...,
What do monogenic disorders follow
67  cards
4. Genetics and disease 3 - polygenic disorders and somatic disease
What are polygenic disorders,
What are polygenic disorders also...,
How are multiple genes involved i...
40  cards
5. Genetics and disease - genetic testing and therapy for genetic disorders
Why do we want to test for geneti...,
What needs to be remembered when ...,
What is eugenics
56  cards
6. Introduction to cancer
How does 1 cell become millions o...,
Human cellular complexity,
What cells are most cancer derive...
53  cards
7. Tumour initiation and promotion
What is tumour progression,
What is the main evidence for can...,
What are the 4 stages of multista...
37  cards
8. Oncogenes
What experiment proved that cance...,
What is the lifecycle of a retrov...,
What is a key way cancer passes t...
47  cards
9. Cancer genetics 1: inherited mutations in oncogenes
What is cancer,
What kind of things can be carcin...,
How many cancer genes are there
53  cards
10. Cancer genetics 2: tumour suppressor genes
What are the 2 main classes of tu...,
What are the characteristics of h...,
What are the characteristics of s...
30  cards
11. Cancer genetics 3: DNA repair genes
What are carcinogens,
What kind of progression is cancer,
How many cancer genes are there
41  cards
12. Chromosomes and Cancer 1
What is cytogenetics,
What is fish,
How is fish done
54  cards
13. Chromosomes and cancer 2
What are solid tumours,
What are the characteristics of s...,
What are some common deletions in...
50  cards
14. The Tumour Microenvironment and Metastasis 1
What are genetic mutations,
What is cancer,
Mutations and cancer
49  cards
15. The Tumour Microenvironment and Metastasis 2
How can other cells contribute to...,
What do epithelial cells provide,
Why do some cell types rarely dev...
40  cards
16. Viruses and Cancer 1
What factors can impact the cell ...,
What happens to most cells with m...,
Viruses and cancer
37  cards
17. Viruses and cancer 2
When was ebv discovered,
How was ebv discovered as an onco...,
What is burkitt s lymphoma
44  cards
18. Cancer Therapy
What do the hallmarks of cancer p...,
What are the hallmarks of cancer,
How is surgery used to treat cancer
44  cards
19. The Major Histocompatibility Complex
What is the major histocompatibil...,
What do mhc molecules do,
What is the hla gene loci
36  cards
20. HLA and Transplantation
What is transplantation,
When was the idea of transplant f...,
The idea of transplantation from ...
47  cards
21. HLA and Disease
What is the only way t cells can ...,
What do the mhc class 3 genes encode,
Which are the most polymorphic hl...
37  cards
22. Hypersensitivity Reactions: Type 1 and 2
What does adaptive immunity provide,
What causes the immunopathology o...,
What is an autoimmune disease
52  cards
23. Hypersensitivity Reactions: type 3 and 4
What are type 3 hypersensitivity ...,
What is an immune complex,
What are large immune complexes
54  cards
24. Immunodeficiency
What does there need to be for a ...,
What is a primary immunodeficiency,
What is secondary immunodeficiency
77  cards
25. Immunological Tolerance
What does the adaptive immune sys...,
What is needed for the adaptive i...,
How do t cell recognise specific ...
62  cards
26. Autoimmune Diseases
1. Understand the steps that lead to autoimmune disease 2. Describe factors that influence the development of autoimmune disease. 3. Classify autoimmune disease by type of target and type of immune response.
6  cards

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cellular and molecular pathology

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