This class was created by Brainscape user Alyssa Rivera. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Valley: Neuromuscular Physiology & Pharmacology
Motor neurons to skeletal muscle ...,
Sensory neurons from skeletal mus...,
These motor and sensory nerves ar...
141  cards
Valley: CNS Issues
Superficial to deep order of the ...,
Afferent nerves are and enter the...,
Efferent nerves are and exit the ...
91  cards
Valley: Neuromusclar Diseases
Are muscular dystrophy neuromuscu...,
Painless degeneration and atrophy...,
What are the 4 classification and...
53  cards
Cas Cylinders & Breathing Circuits
0  cards
Valley: Hemostasis
What are the 4 steps involved in ...,
Adhesion of platelets to damages ...,
Activation of platelets requires ...
185  cards
Valley: Renal Functions
Are 90 of total osmolality of the...,
When we talk about regulating osm...,
Normal osmolality is about mosm l
359  cards
Valley: Equipment
Wall gas hose to machine has a pr...,
What is the function of the oxyge...,
The assembly has pins for e cylin...
72  cards
Breathing Systems
0  cards
Anesthesia Buddy: Transfusion Therapy
Packed red blood cells prbcs are ...,
The most commonly used preservati...,
1 unit of prbc has a volume of to...
269  cards
Anesthesia Buddy: Pharmacology
Which intravenous agent is also k...,
Which component is not part of pr...,
Which compound is added to generi...
613  cards
True Learn: Neuroscience & Neuromuscular
A 25 year old 75 kg presents for ...,
During a knee arthroplasty revisi...,
Which of the following is the mos...
87  cards
True Learn: Principles Of Anesthesia
Which of the following is not ass...,
Which of the following neuromuscu...,
Which of the following medication...
59  cards
True Learn: Hematology & Coagulation
Which of the following is not one...,
You are caring for a patient who ...,
A 6 month old term 8 kg infant un...
60  cards
True Learn: Instruments
An obese patient is undergoing ge...,
A type 1 diabetic presents for pr...,
A 56 year old female is undergoin...
7  cards
True Learn: Metabolism & Endocrine
0  cards
Acheron: Critical Care, Infectious Disease, And Fluids
Which of the following clotting f...,
Which of the following is seen in...,
How much sodium bicarbonate shoul...
178  cards
Acheron: Musculoskeletal Rheumatoid GI & Endocrine
An obese 21 year old patient with...,
A 42 year old patient with long s...,
A 33 year old g1p0 with hyperemes...
65  cards
Acheron: Instrumentation & Monitoring
A tank containing nitrous oxide i...,
Fresh gas flow on an anesthesia m...,
Variable bypass means the fresh g...
69  cards
Acheron: Pediatrics
0  cards
Page Summary
Which nerve is responsible for th...,
2 nerves for motor of larynx,
Where is external superior laryng...
2288  cards

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