This class was created by Brainscape user J Fate. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

General Characteristics
Average life span,
11  cards
Scolex/Head (General Structure)
It is the attachment organ,
Shape of scolex head,
The majority of cestodes have how...
4  cards
Rostellum (General Structure)
It is fleshy extension of scolex ...,
What parasites have hooks hooklet...,
What parasites have unarmed roste...
3  cards
Neck and Gravid (General Structures)
It is a region of growth budding ...,
A segment with ova or a pregnant ...
2  cards
Proglottids (General Structure)
What is the other name for segments,
A chain of proglottids,
It is the nearest to the neck
4  cards
ORDER PSEUDOPHYLLIDEAN (General Characteristics)
Give the 2 species under order ps...,
The scolex,
7  cards
ORDER CYCLOPHYLLIDEAN (General Characteristics)
Give the 5 species under order cy...,
6  cards
Diphyllobotrium latum
It is the largest tapeworm of man,
4 common names of diphyllobotrium...,
New name of diphyllobotrium latum
20  cards
Taenia saginata (Taenia spp)
Common name,
The longest cestode,
18  cards
Taenia solium (Taenia spp.)
Common name of taenia solium,
Intermediate host
16  cards
Taenia asiatica (Taenia spp.)
Other name of taenia asiatica,
Common name of taenia asiatica,
Old name of taenia asiatica
6  cards
Taenia multiceps
Most implicated specie causing hu...,
Common name of taenia multiceps,
Habitat of taenia multiceps
17  cards
Hymenolepsis nana (Hymenolepsis spp.)
Meaning of hymen,
Meaning of lepis,
Smallest cestode
18  cards
Hymenolepsis diminuta (Hymenolepsis spp.)
Common name of hymenolepsis diminuta,
Intermediate host
14  cards
Dyphilidium caninum
Common names,
Intermediate hosts
11  cards
Echinococcus granulosus
Shortest tw,
New name,
Common name
19  cards
Echinococcus multilocularis
Common name,
Habitat liver lungs brain interme...,
Intermediate host
9  cards
Raillientina garrisoni
Most common intestinal cestode of...,
Intermediate host,
Final host
10  cards

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Decks: Taenia Saginata, Taenia Solium, Diphyllobothrium Latum, And more!
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Decks: Cestodes, And more!
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