This class was created by Brainscape user Cesar A. Contla. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (105)

part 1: quantitative analysis
What are interest rates determine...,
Calculating interest rates using ...,
What happens to interest rates if...
15  cards
1.2 Organizing, Visualing, and Describing Data
Numerical data aka quantitative data,
Two types of numerical data,
Continuous data
19  cards
1.2 Summarizing Data Using Frequency Distributions
A frequency distribution,
The types of frequency,
Absolute frequency
81  cards
1.2 Measures of Dispersion, Downside Deviation, and Coefficient of Variation
Dispersion or variability around ...,
The most common measures of absol...,
The range
17  cards
1.2 the shape of the distributions
What does it mean for a distribut...,
Normal distribution has which cha...,
20  cards
1.2 the correlation between two variables
Covariance formula,
Correlation formula
6  cards
1.3: probability, expected value, and variance
Why is the return on a risky asse...,
What is an event,
The probability measures what
33  cards
1.3 Portfolio expected return and variance formula
The modern portfolio theory is ba...,
Portfolio variance,
In order to calculate a portfolio...
14  cards
Bayes Formula
Bayes formula,
Bayes formula formula,
Prior probabilities
9  cards
1.4 common probability distributions: Intro
Discrete random variables,
Continuous random variables,
True or falsesometimes continuous...
16  cards
1.4 normal distribution
The normal distribution,
Multivariate distributions,
A multivariate normal distributio...
15  cards
1.4 lognormal distribution
The lognormal distribution,
The lognormal distribution is com...,
1 the continuously compounded ret...
28  cards
1.5: sampling methods
The two types of sampling methods,
Probability sampling
27  cards
1.5: Point Estimates, Confidence intervals, and resampling
The two branches of statistical i...,
Hypothesis testing,
51  cards
1.6 Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing,
Hypothesis testing,
36  cards
1.6 the role of P-values
The p value,
How do we use the p value when we...,
Type i error occurs when
12  cards
theory questions that I mess up from part 1
A distribution with fat tails is ...,
An analyst covering the oil and g...,
A two dimensional rectangular arr...
87  cards
1.6 Tests Concerning a Single Mean
What is a t test commonly used for,
The z test can be used for what,
When do the t and z test as the n...
35  cards
1.7 linear regression
The dependent variable or the exp...,
He independent variable or the ex...,
If there is only one independent ...
24  cards
2.1 demand and supply analysis
43  cards
MCQS 2 mess up in section 2: economics
If the cross price elasticity bet...,
A profit maximum is least likely ...,
A firm is operating beyond minimu...
62  cards
2.2 the firm and market structures
Economists four types of structure,
Perfect competition,
Monopolistic competition
42  cards
2.3 Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth
Aggregate output,
The value of all goods and servic...
59  cards
2.4 understanding business cycles
Types of cycles,
The classical cycle,
The growth cycle
68  cards
2.5 Monetary and fiscal Policy
Monetary policy,
Fiscal policy,
Money fulfills three important fu...
42  cards
2.6 introduction to geopolitics
Geopolitical risk,
Two axes of geopolitcal risk
41  cards
2.7 International Trade and Capital Flows
Gross domestic product gdp,
Gross national product gnp,
The terms of trade
42  cards
2.8 Currency Exchange Rates
Purchasing power parity ppp,
While fx markets facilitate inter...,
Spot transactions
33  cards
3.1 intro do Financial Statement Analysis
The balance sheet also called the...
21  cards
Section 3 MCQs
A qualified audit opinion is most...,
An independent audit report is mo...,
What type of audit opinion is pre...
132  cards
3.2 Financial Reporting Standards
The conceptual framework,
International accounting standard...,
Financial accounting standards bo...
37  cards
3.3 Understanding Income Statement
A company s income statement,
Operating profit,
When is revenue recognized
24  cards
3.4 understanding the Balance Sheet
The balance sheet,
45  cards
3.5 Understanding Cash Flow Statement
The cash flow statement,
Classification of cash flows and ...,
Operating activities
40  cards
3.6 Financial Analysis Techniques
Equity analysis focuses on,
Credit analysis focuses on,
The following steps could be used...
75  cards
3.7 Inventories
Under both ifrs and us gaap inven...,
The following items are included ...,
Conversion costs are directly rel...
30  cards
3.8 Long lived assets
How to input the cost or value of...,
Intangible assets,
Under ifrs the following criteria...
34  cards
3.9 income taxes
Deferred tax assets,
Deferred tax liabilities,
Accounting profit
19  cards
3.10 non-current long term liabilities
Non current liabilities,
The effective interest rate,
Accounting for bond amortization ...
32  cards
3.11 Financial reporting quality
Financial reporting quality is hi...,
Earnings quality is high if,
The spectrum of financial reporti...
24  cards
3.12 Application of financial statement analysis
A company s historical performanc...,
Past performance is more useful f...,
Credit analysis
21  cards
8.1 Alternative Investment Features, Methods, and Structures
Alternative investments can be de...,
Investors are attracted to altern...,
Traditional asset classes
51  cards
chapter 8 questions I mess up
Private debt,
Real assets,
57  cards
8.2 Alternative Investment performance and returns
Assessing the performance of inve...,
Four key issues to consider when ...,
While the life cycles of investme...
21  cards
8.3 Investments in Private capital: Equity and Debt
The largest source of returns for...,
The primary approaches to private...,
Leveraged buyout lbo deals
51  cards
8.4 Real Estate and Infrastructure
The characteristics of real estat...,
Additionally there are several fa...,
Residential property
51  cards
8.5 Natural Ressources
Natural resources investments,
While there is no universally acc...,
30  cards
8.6 Hedge Funds
While there is no universally acc...,
Equity hedge strategies,
Different equity hedge strategies
28  cards
8.7 Introduction to Digital Assets
The three basic elements of distr...,
Digital ledger,
The two parts of the consensus me...
43  cards
4.1 Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
The three main types of organizat...,
The three basic categories of bus...,
The key areas of focus when compa...
25  cards
part 4 questions I mess up
Compared to a private limited com...,
Bynary dynamics bnd which is curr...,
Which of the following statements...
26  cards
4.2 Investors and other stakeholders
Prospective investors can compare...,
The shareholder theory of governance,
Stakeholder theory
9  cards
4.3 stakeholder conflicts and management
A principal agent relationship or...,
Corporate governance systems,
Information asymmetry
30  cards
4.4 working capital and liquidity
Companies that produce physical g...,
The three main working capital ac...,
Activity ratios
43  cards
4.5 capital investments and capital allocation
Capital allocation,
The typical steps in the capital ...,
When the choice is between two mu...
13  cards
4.6 capital structure
The cost of capital,
The mix of capital sources used t...,
The pre tax cost of debt
21  cards
4.7 Business models
A well formulated business model ...,
What is the firm s value proposit...,
What is the firm s value chain
28  cards
5.1 Market organization and structure
An economy is allocationally effi...,
Spot market transactions,
Rades that are settled over longe...
80  cards
chapter 5 questions I mess up
Consider a mutual fund that inves...,
A friend has asked you to explain...,
The standard poor s depositary re...
26  cards
5.2 Security Market Indexes
A security market index,
Constituent securities,
An equity index
13  cards
5.3 market efficiency
Market value,
Intrinsic value,
An asset is described as misprice...
14  cards
5.4 overview of equity securities
The standard voting system known ...,
Cumulative voting,
Cumulative preference shares
23  cards
5.5 company analysis: past and present
The guideline framework for analy...,
The first part of the foundationa...,
Bottom up revenue analysis
14  cards
5.6 industry and competitive analysis
The ultimate objective of industr...,
What most likely explains a compa...,
Global industry classification st...
17  cards
5.7 Company Analysis: Forecasting
The final component of an analyst...,
What to forecast common forecast ...,
Drivers of financial statement lines
24  cards
5.8 equity valuation: concepts and basic tools
Market value of a security,
Intrinsic value of a security,
Present value models discounted c...
39  cards
6.1 fixed-income features, cash flows, issuance, and trading
Bind issuers can be classified in...,
A debt security s tenor,
Money market securities
52  cards
chapter 6 questions i mess up
A swedish company recently issued...,
A company issues a series of bond...,
An investment bank that underwrit...
59  cards
6.2 Fixed-Income Markets
Common short loan term financing ...,
Uncommitted lines of credit,
Committed lines of credit
52  cards
6.3 Fixed Income Valuation: Price, Yields, Interest Rates, and Term structure
A bond s yield to maturity ytm,
Ytm is a promised yield because i...,
The accrued interest
32  cards
6.4 Fixed-Income risk and return
The sources of return from a bond...,
The constant yield price trajectory,
The horizon yield
23  cards
6.5 Fixed-Income: Credit risk and analysis
Credit risk,
Cs of credit analysisbottom up fa...,
Cs of credit analysistop down fac...
54  cards
10.1 ethics and trust in the investment profession
Ethical conduct,
Moral principles
15  cards
chapter 10 questiosn I mess up
Which of the following statements...,
As stated in the revised 11th edi...,
Which of the following responses ...
25  cards
chapter 10.3 guidance for standards 1: Profssionalism
What is a benefit,
Are all gifts and benefits from o...,
Are gifts and benefits from clien...
7  cards
chapter 10.3 Standard 2: Integrity of capital markets
What is material information,
What constitutes nonpublic inform...,
Mosaic theory
7  cards
chapter 10.3 Standard 3: duties to clients
Recommended procedures for compli...,
A written investment policy state...,
Understanding the client s risk p...
9  cards
chapter 10.3 Standard IV: Duties to Employers
Standard iv a loyalty,
Standard iv b additional compensa...,
Standard iv c responsibilities of...
3  cards
Chapter 10.3 Standard V, VI, and VII
Standard v b communication with c...,
Standard v a diligence and reason...,
Standard v c record retention
9  cards
10.4 Introduction to Global Investments Performance Standards (GIPS)
Misleading performance reporting ...,
Firms claiming compliance have on...,
Compliance must be claimed on a
20  cards
6.6 Fixed-Income Securitization
Covered bonds,
Investors who purchase these bond...
13  cards
6.6 ABS instrument and market features
Covered bonds,
Why are covered bonds not true as...,
The important differences between...
30  cards
6.6 MBS Instrument and Market Features
The debt to income ratio dti,
Prime loans,
Subprime loans
39  cards
9.1 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part 1
Historical returns,
Expected returns,
Using a mean and variance approac...
21  cards
9.2 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part 2
A key principle of capital market...,
Capital market theory assumes hom...,
If a market is informationally ef...
48  cards
9.3 portfolio management: an overview
The portfolio s diversification r...,
The portfolio management process ...
21  cards
9.4 basics of portfolio planning and construction
Portfolio planning,
The investment policy statement ips,
A general framework for an ips in...
25  cards
9.5 Behavioral Finance Intro
The field of behavioral finance,
There are two types of behavioral...,
Cognitive errors
58  cards
9.6 Introduction to Risk Management
Risk exposure,
The risk management process,
A risk management framework
37  cards
7.1 derivative instruments and deriative market features
A derivative,
Derivative instruments,
Derivative contract
18  cards
7.2 Forward commitments and contingent claim features and instruments
Forward commitments,
Contingent claims,
A forward contract
26  cards
7.3 Derivative Benefits, risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses
Derivatives provide information a...,
Compared to spot markets for unde...,
Risks of derivatives
16  cards
7.4 Arbitrage, replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives
The law of one price,
The simplest case of arbitrage is,
Other costs of ownership
5  cards
7.5 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying maturities
The zero rate,
Spot rates are important inputs i...,
Implied forward rate ifr
5  cards
7.6 pricing and valuation of futures contracts
Contract type interest rate futur...,
Contract type forward rate agreem...,
The basis point value bpv of an i...
9  cards
7.7 Pricing and valuation of interest rates and other swaps
A swap contract,
Swaps are like forward contracts ...,
The most commonly used swap contract
12  cards
7.8 Pricing and valuations of options
An option s exercise value also k...,
An option s time value represents
7  cards
7.9 Option Replication Using Put-Call Parity
Put call parity,
A fiduciary call,
Protective put
9  cards
7.10 Valuing a derivative using a one-period binomial model
The binomial model,
Which of the following is most li...,
With respect to forward contract ...
4  cards
1.11 intro to big data techniques
Big data datasets have traditiona...,
Big data sources include,
The three main sources of alterna...
22  cards
MCQs i mess up once studying is finished
Which of the following return cal...,
For a risky asset with volatile h...,
The nominal risk free rate is bes...
630  cards
Mock Exams questions I messed
An analyst gathers the following ...,
Which of the following statements...,
The homoskedasticity assumption h...
259  cards
Mock Exams I messed up May Version
Fixed charges coverage ratio formula,
In a set of common size financial...,
All else equal which of the follo...
196  cards
Extra questions i mess up 2 weeks before exam
T the beginning of the year inves...,
In a test concerning the value of...,
Data curation is most accurately ...
287  cards
CFA Website questions i fucked up
Peter levinson cfa declared perso...,
A member has been asked by her su...,
Simon jensen cfa a portfolio mana...
101  cards

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