This class was created by Brainscape user La volonté Ndimurukundo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Quiz 1 (lesson 2)
What is memory,
What is short term memory,
What is sensory memory
62  cards
Quiz 1 (lesson 4)
What is perception,
What is echolocation,
Can humans use echolocation
57  cards
Quiz 1 (lesson 5)
What is an interdiscipline,
What is the cognitive science his...,
What is the cognitive science con...
69  cards
Quiz 1 (lesson 6)
What are good things to do in cla...,
What is the best medium to take n...,
Why is memorization good
32  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 7)
What is learning at the sociologi...,
Why do we need the sociological l...,
What is learning at the psycholog...
18  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 8)
What is stored in the basal ganglia,
What is the habit system,
What is cognitive control
22  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 10)
What does the graph look like for...,
What is the universal grammar theory,
What age range is the critical st...
23  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 11)
What three things need to exist f...,
What is generation of diversity,
What is selective reproduction
18  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 12)
What are the two problems with le...,
How long have humans been around,
True or false the group that came...
16  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 13)
What is anchoring,
What is the contrast effect conte...,
What is the bangwagon effect
30  cards
Quiz 2 (lesson 14)
What is rem sleep characterized by,
What is muscle atonia,
True or false 75 of our sleep is ...
16  cards
Quiz 3 (lesson 15-18)
What does the main character in m...,
What is anterograde amnesia,
What is retrograde amnesia
62  cards
Quiz 4
What is false memory,
What is case based reasoning,
What is ai used for in medicine
76  cards

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cgsc 1001

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