This class was created by Brainscape user reyhana a. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Atomic Structure
Name fundamental particles,
Isotope definition,
What are electrons arranged into
67  cards
Amount Of Substance
What unit can amount of substance...,
How many particles does one mole ...,
What is the name given to this sp...
23  cards
2 main types of bonding in compounds,
Sulfate ion,
Hydroxide ion
49  cards
2 types of reaction,
Enthalpy change,
Standard enthalpy change symbol
29  cards
General formula,
Empirical form,
Molecular formula
155  cards
Alkenes and polymers
What are alkenes,
Alkene general formula,
What is a hydrocarbon
42  cards
What is collision theory,
Define activation energy
36  cards
Key Words
Activation energy,
Atomic number,
22  cards
Functional group in alcohol,
Alcohols are either,
Explain primary secondary and ter...
43  cards
Organic Analysis
2 analytical techniques,
Stages is mass spec,
What is m z ratio
8  cards
What it a redox reaction,
Oxidation is reduction is,
How do you know if something is b...
18  cards
What is homogenous equilibria,
Le chataliers principle only work...,
What is kc
16  cards
3.2.1 - periodicity
Periodicity is,
Elements are classified into d p ...,
Trend in atomic radius across a p...
12  cards
3.2.3 - the halogens
Diatomic halogen molecules are he...,
Fluroine exists as
58  cards
3.2.2 - group 2 the alkaline earth metals
Trend in atomic radius down group 2,
Why does atomic radius get bigger...,
Electronegativity down group 2 trend
37  cards

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chem aqa

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