
This class was created by Brainscape user Lola Barden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Rate of Reaction Experiments
What 2 substances are used in a s...,
What is the product in a surface ...,
What 2 substances are used in a c...
7  cards
Chemical Tests
What is the test for hydrogen gas,
What is the test for oxygen gas,
What is the test for carbon dioxi...
32  cards
Crude Oil
What do we use to separate crude ...,
What happens to crude oil before ...,
What decided how far up the colum...
15  cards
Covalent bonding
What happens to non metal atom el...,
Define covalent bonding,
Are covalent bonds strong or weak
12  cards
Ionic Bonding
What is the charge of metals in g...,
What is the charge of metals in g...,
What is the charge of metals in g...
26  cards
Solubility rules
Soluble or insoluble?
19  cards
What are the 4 most abundant gase...,
What is the percentage compositio...,
What is the percentage compositio...
6  cards
Finding the Percentage of Oxygen in Air Using Copper (Atmosphere)
What apparatus do you need to wor...,
Explain in simple terms how you c...,
What is the colour change of copp...
5  cards
Finding the Percentage of Oxygen in Air Using the Rusting of Iron (Atmosphere)
What apparatus do we need,
How can we work out the volume of...,
Explain how you can find the perc...
3  cards
Finding the Percentage of Oxygen in Air Using Phosphorus (Atmosphere)
1  cards
Acids, Bases and Alkalis
What colour is methyl orange in a...,
What colour is methyl orange in n...,
What colour is methyl orange in a...
43  cards
Element Combustion
Element oxygen,
Metal oxygen,
Non metal oxygen
11  cards
What are the two components in th...,
Define metallic bonding,
Is metallic bonding a usually str...
78  cards
Organic Chemistry - Crude Oil, Alkanes and Alkenes
What is meant by the term homolog...,
What is a functional group,
What are isomers
16  cards
What is the functional group of a...,
What is the difference between st...,
What are the 2 different methods ...
34  cards
What is the word equation to make...,
What is the functional group of e...,
What is the reaction called betwe...
11  cards
Carboxylic Acids
What is the functional group of c...,
What letters in the name of an or...,
What is the behaviour of carboxyl...
8  cards
What links do polyesters use,
What makes up a polyester,
What functional group do dicarbox...
13  cards
Define activation energy,
What is an exothermic reaction,
What is an endothermic reaction
16  cards
Making Soluble Salts
How do we make soluble salts,
What is the equation to make a so...,
What 2 ways can you make soluble ...
8  cards
Making Insoluble Salts
What is a precipitate,
When mixing a solution how can we...,
What do we call the ions that are...
5  cards
Moles II
How do we convert from cm3 to dm3,
How can we work out the moles of ...
2  cards
Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
What is a reversible reaction,
Which reaction does the enthalpy ...,
What will the enthalpy change be ...
26  cards
Molten Electrolysis
What is electrolysis,
What are electrodes,
What is the positive electrode ca...
20  cards
Aqueous Electrolysis
Water molecules can break apart d...,
What happens if a halide ion cl b...,
What happens if there is not a ha...
12  cards
What colour is fluorine,
What colour is chlorine,
What colour and state is bromine
15  cards
How do you investigate paper chro...,
How do you calculate the rf value...,
How do you determine the formula ...
16  cards
The Periodic Table
Why do noble gases group 0 not react
1  cards

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