chemistry - as level

This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Connelly. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Atomic Structure
What is the atomic number,
What is the mass number,
Atomic number
58  cards
Amount Of Substance
What is relative atomic mass,
What is the molecular mass
70  cards
What is ionic bonding,
How do ions form,
What forces are between ionic bonds
52  cards
What is bond energy,
What are exothermic reactions,
What are endothermic reactions
51  cards
group 2 - alkaline earth metals
What are the elements of group 2,
What happens to atomic radius dow...,
What happens to first ionisation ...
15  cards
Intro to organics
What is organic chemistry,
What is molecular formula,
Empirical formula
23  cards
What are alkanes,
What is the general formula of an...,
Why are alkanes insoluble
32  cards
What are halogenoalkanes,
What are the 3 types of halogenoa...,
How are they reactive
73  cards
What is oxidation,
What is reduction,
What are oxidation states
18  cards
group 7 - halogens
What is the name of the group 7,
How do the colours of the halogen...,
What is the apperance of f2
36  cards
What is the collision theory,
What happens to the bonds in reac...,
If molecules collide at high spee...
29  cards
What does equilibrium mean,
What is a reversible reaction,
What is dynamic equilibrium
23  cards
What are alkenes,
How are alkenes produced,
What are the chemical and physica...
35  cards
What is the functional group of a...,
How are the alcohols classified,
Which alcohols can be oxidised
21  cards
organic analysis
What can be used to identify the ...,
How many decimal places does hrms...,
Advantages of hmrs
4  cards

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chemistry - as level

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