chemistry paper 2

This class was created by Brainscape user R R. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: R R

Decks in this class (16)

measuring the rate of reaction (Required Practical)
What are the steps in the disappe...,
What is reproducability,
What is one problem with the disa...
3  cards
volume of gas produced by a reaction
What does both practicals show us,
People have different eyesight fo...
2  cards
reversible reactions
What is le chateliers principle,
What is a hydrocarbon,
Name something that has lots of h...
6  cards
fractional distilation
What do hydrocrabons have to be d...,
What is the process of factional ...,
Name the columns from top to bottom
3  cards
uses of hydrocarbons
What is the equation for both typ...,
What do longer alkanes have highe...,
What does viscosity mean
5  cards
testing for alkenes
What do alkenes do to bromine water,
Why does alkenes turn bromine wat...,
What does cracking do
4  cards
What are the properties of pure s...,
What is a formulation and give ex...
2  cards
chromatography (Required Practical)
What is the steps to carry out th...,
What is a capillary tube,
How can you prevent the colors fo...
8  cards
What was the earth s early enviro...,
What is the greenhouse effect,
What is global warming
5  cards
test for gases
What is the test for hydrogen,
What is the test for oxygen,
What is the test for carbon dioxide
4  cards
potable water
What is potable water,
What is the most effective way of...,
What has to be done to freshwater...
4  cards
treating waste water
What has to be done to waste wate...,
What is the process of treating w...
2  cards
extracting metals
What are the forms of extracting ...,
Name 2 ways you can extract coppe...,
What are the advantages and disad...
4  cards
life cycle assessment
What is the life cycle assessment,
What does the lca consider,
How can we reduce this impact
3  cards
Analyzing and purifying water samples (Required Practical)
What are the steps to figure out ...,
What doesn non pure water have in it,
How can you purify water using di...
4  cards
atmospheric pollution
What does carbon monoxide do to t...,
What does sulphur dioxide do to t...,
What does nutrogen oxides cause
4  cards

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chemistry paper 2

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