chemistry practicals

This class was created by Brainscape user alannah sell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

How is a calibration curve used,
How is a calibration graph produced
2  cards
RP1- Titration
Describe how you would make a vol...,
How close are concordant results,
Explain how to calculate percenta...
20  cards
RP2- Calorimetry
Give 2 sources of error in this p...,
How could you improve accuracy of...,
How do you measure temperature ch...
23  cards
RP3- Rate of Reaction
How could values for temperature ...,
What should all graphs contain,
What are 2 ways rate of reaction ...
8  cards
RP4- Tests for Ions
Describe the test for a sulfate i...,
Describe the test for ammonium io...,
Describe the test for halide ions...
11  cards
RP5- Distillation
Where does the water go in to a c...,
Why are anti bumping granules needed,
Why should the system be closed
11  cards
RP6- Organic Analysis
How would you identify an alkene,
Give a test that can be used to i...,
Give a test to identify the prese...
15  cards
RP7- Order of Reaction
What is the initial rates method ...,
What is the continuous monitoring...,
Why is a large excess of other re...
4  cards
RP8- Electrochemical Cell
What is an electrochemical cell,
How do you measure comparative el...,
Why do you need to file away the ...
4  cards
RP9- pH changes
Why does a ph meter have to be ca...,
How can you investigate how a wea...,
Why is stirring the solution impo...
3  cards
RP10- Pure Organic Compounds
How would you measure the melting...,
What are the 3 main steps in form...,
Why is reflux used
13  cards
RP11- Tests for Ions (Transition Metals)
What reacts with transition metal...
1  cards
RP12- Chromatography
How do you calculate rf values,
What is tlc used for,
How do you carry out tlc
10  cards

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chemistry practicals

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