chemistry topic 6

This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Pilkington. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction to Organic Chemistry
What is an organic compound,
How many covalent bonds can each ...,
What is a functional group
15  cards
Types Of Formulae And Nomenclature
What is empirical formula,
What is molecular formula,
What is structural formula
9  cards
What are structural isomers,
What are chain isomers,
What are position isomers
13  cards
Types of Organic Reactions
What is an unsaturated molecule,
What is a saturated molecule,
What is an addition reaction
7  cards
Mechanisms Of Organic Reactions
What are nucleopnikes,
What is a reagent,
Examples of nucleophiles
5  cards
Are alkanes saturated and why,
How does boiling point of straigh...,
Why does boiling point of straigh...
10  cards
Free Radical Substitution Reactions
What are the conditions for a fre...,
What is a free radical,
What is homolytic fission
11  cards
Fuels From Crude Oil
Explain process of fractional dis...,
Which fraction is used for petrol,
What is crude oil
19  cards
Pollution And Fuels
How is carbon monoxide produced a...,
Why are carbon particles bad,
What are unburnt hydrocarbons
10  cards
Alkene formula,
What two type of bonds do alkenes...,
Why can alkenes form stereoisomer...
9  cards
Electrophilic Addition Mechanisms
What is fission,
What is heterolytic fission,
What is a carbocation
13  cards
Polymers And Alkenes
What is a monomer,
What is addition polymerisation,
How to write a polymerisation equ...
11  cards
Halogenoalkanes And Nucleophilic Substitution
What is a halogenoalkane,
Why are halogenoalkanes reactive,
What type of bond breaking is it ...
26  cards
Halogenoalkanes Nucleophilic Elimination
What is elimination,
Conditions for elimination,
Process of elimination
7  cards
What is a diol,
What is a triol,
Why does bp of alcohols increase ...
15  cards
Oxidation Of Alcohols
What do primary alcohols oxidise to,
What do secondary alcohols oxidis...,
Do tertiary alcohols oxidise and why
7  cards

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chemistry topic 6

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