This class was created by Brainscape user Robyn Mitchell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (194)

Foetal Circulation
Briefly describe foetal circulation,
What are the 3 shunts in a foetus...,
What happens to foetal circulatio...
3  cards
Heart Murmurs
What are innocent murmurs typical...,
Management for flow murmurs,
Investigations to establish the c...
11  cards
What is a patent ductus arteriosus,
What causes pda,
Pda symptoms
7  cards
Atrial Septal Defects
What is an atrial septal defect,
Pathophysiology of asd,
Types of asd
6  cards
Ventricular Septal Defects
What is a ventricular septal defe...,
Potential complication of vsd,
How do vsds present
6  cards
Eisenmenger Syndrome
What is eisenmenger syndrome,
When does eisenmenger syndrome ma...,
Pathophysiology eisenmenger syndrome
6  cards
Coarctation of the Aorta
What is coarctation of the aorta,
Complications of coarctation of t...,
Presentation of coarctation of th...
4  cards
Paediatric aortic stenosis
What is congenital aortic valve s...,
Aortic valve morphology in patien...,
How does congenital aortic valve ...
6  cards
Pulmonary valve stenosis
Morphology of pulmonary valve ste...,
How does pulmonary artery stenosi...,
Examination findings pulmonary ar...
4  cards
Tetralogy of Fallot
What is tetralogy of fallot,
What does tetralogy of fallot cause,
Risk factors tetralogy of fallot
9  cards
Ebstein's anomaly
What is ebstein s anomaly,
What is ebstein s anomaly associa...,
How does ebstein s anomaly present
5  cards
Transposition of the great arteries
What is transposition of the grea...,
What happens after birth,
Presentation of transposition of ...
4  cards
What is bronchiolitis,
Cause of bronchiolitis,
Epidemiology bronchiolitis
12  cards
Viral Induced Wheeze
What is viral induced wheeze cause,
How to distinguish between viral ...,
4  cards
Acute asthma
What is acute asthma,
Presentation of acute asthma,
How is severity of asthma graded
5  cards
Chronic asthma
What is asthma associated with,
Presentation of chronic asthma,
What features would suggest a dia...
9  cards
What is pneumonia cxr appearance ax,
Presentation pneumonia in children,
Signs pneumonia in children
7  cards
What is croup,
Classic cause of croup tx,
Common causes for croup
5  cards
What is epiglottitis,
Why is epiglottitis rare now,
Presentation of epiglottitis
6  cards
What is laryngomalacia,
Structural changes in laryngomalacia,
Presentation laryngomalcia
3  cards
Whooping cough
What is whooping cough vaccine,
Presentation whooping cough,
Diagnosis whooping cough
5  cards
Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity
What is chronic lung disease of p...,
Features of cldp,
Prevention of bronchopulmonary dy...
4  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis cause pre...,
Key consequences of cystic fibrosis,
Presentation of cystic fibrosis
13  cards
Primary ciliary dyskinesia
What is primary ciliary dyskinesia,
Features of pcd,
What is situs inversus associatio...
5  cards
Abdominal pain in children
Non organic functional abdominal ...,
Medical causes of abdominal pain,
Surgical causes of abdominal pain
9  cards
Causes of constipation in children,
Presentation of constipation,
Encopresis causes
9  cards
Gastro-oesophageal reflux
What is gastro oesophageal reflux,
Is reflux worrying in infants,
Presentation of problematic reflux
7  cards
Pyloric stenosis
What is pyloric stenosis,
Features of pyloric stenosis s s,
Management of pyloric stenosis
4  cards
What is gastroenteritis,
Gastroenteritis in children cause...,
What is it important to do with g...
16  cards
Coeliac disease in children
Coeliac disease in children,
Pathophysiology coeliac disease,
Which parts of the digestive trac...
10  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease,
Features of crohns vs ulcerative ...,
When should you suspect inflammat...
8  cards
Biliary Atresia
What is biliary atresia,
How does biliary atresia present,
Management of biliary atresia
3  cards
Intestinal obstruction
Intestinal obstruction,
Causes of intestinal obstruction,
Presentation of intestinal obstru...
5  cards
Hirschsprungs Disease
What is hirschsprung s disease,
What is the myenteric plexus,
What is pathophysiology of hirsch...
8  cards
What is intussusception,
Conditions associated with intuss...,
Presentation of intussusception
6  cards
What is appendicitis incidence,
Signs and symptoms appendicitis,
Diagnosis of appendicitis
6  cards
What is t1dm cause,
What happens to blood glucose lev...,
Basic physiology of carbohydrate ...
17  cards
What is dka,
Explain the process of ketogenesi...,
How can ketone levels be measured
9  cards
Adrenal Insufficiency
What is adrenal insufficiency,
What is addison s disease,
If addison s disease is primary a...
11  cards
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
What is congenital adrenal hyperp...,
Examples of stored hormones,
Pathophysiology of congenital adr...
5  cards
Growth Hormone Deficiency
Where is growth hormone produced ...,
Congenital vs acquired growth hor...,
Presentation of growth hormone de...
5  cards
Hypothyroidism in Children
Causes of hypothyroidism in child...,
Congenital hypothyroidism causes ...,
Acquired hypothyroidism cause how...
4  cards
Urinary tract Infections
What is a uti acute pyelonephriti...,
Symptoms uti in children,
Acute pyelonephritis diagnosis
6  cards
What is vulvovaginitis,
Causes of vulvovaginitis,
Presentation of vulvovaginitis
4  cards
Nephrotic Syndrome
What is nephrotic syndrome who do...,
How does it present,
Features of nephrotic syndrome
7  cards
What is nephritis,
Causes of nephritis in children,
What is post streptococcal glomer...
7  cards
Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome
What is hus,
Cause of hus,
What does ecoli 057 cause
5  cards
What is enuresis,
What is primary nocturnal enuresis,
What causes primary nocturnal enu...
9  cards
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Types of pkd,
How does arpkd present caused by,
Features of arpkd
8  cards
Wilms Tumour
What is a wilm s tumour,
How does wilm s tumour present,
Diagnosis of wilm s tumour
5  cards
Posterior Urethral Valve
What is a posterior urethral valv...,
How does posterior urethral valve...,
Investigations for posterior uret...
4  cards
Undescended Testes
Normal development of testes,
What are undescended testes,
Consequences of undescended testes
6  cards
What is hypopadias,
What is epispadias,
How is hypospadias diagnosed
5  cards
What is a hydrocele,
What is a simple hydrocele,
What is a communicating hydrocele
6  cards
Neonatal Physiology
Surfactant in neonates,
Cardio respiratory changes at birth
2  cards
Neonatal Resuscitation
Effect of hypoxia on the neonate,
Other than hypoxia what are other...,
Basic principles of neonatal resu...
5  cards
Normal care after birth
What should be done to newborn im...,
Why is vit k administered to newb...,
Benefits of skin to skin
5  cards
Newborn exam
What is a newborn exam,
Important principles of newborn exam,
What investigation should be carr...
5  cards
Birth injuries
What are some common injuries tha...,
What is caput succedaneum treatment,
What is cephalohaematoma management
6  cards
Neonatal sepsis
What is neonatal sepsis,
Organisms that cause neonatal sepsis,
Risk factors for neonatal sepsis
6  cards
Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy
What is hie why is it important,
When should hie be suspected in n...,
Causes of hie
6  cards
Neonatal Jaundice
What is jaundice,
Physiological jaundice of the neo...,
Causes of neonatal jaundice other...
11  cards
What is prematurity defined as,
Risk factors prematurity,
Management of prematurity before ...
4  cards
Apnoea of prematurity
What is apnoea,
Is apnoea rare,
Causes of aponoea
4  cards
Retinopathy of prematurity
What is retinopathy of prematurity,
Pathophysiology retinopathy of pr...,
Staging of retinopathy of prematu...
5  cards
Respiratory distress syndrome
What is respiratory distress synd...,
Pathophysiology of rds,
Management of rds
4  cards
Necrotising Enterocolitis
What is necrotising enterocolitis,
Causes of nec,
Presentation of nec
6  cards
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
What is neonatal abstinence syndrome,
Substances that cause nas,
Signs and symptoms of nas
4  cards
Congenital conditions arising in pregnancy
What is foetal alcohol syndrome,
What is congenital rubella syndro...,
What is congenital varicella synd...
8  cards
What is sids,
Risk factors for sids,
How can risk of sids be reduced
5  cards
Breast vs bottle,
What feeding volumes should be us...,
Is initial weight loss in babies ...
4  cards
Growth Charts
What are growth charts used for,
How centiles work in growth charts,
Plot a 45 month old girl that is ...
7  cards
Failure to thrive
What is failure to thrive,
Causes of failure to thrive,
Causes of inadequate nutritional ...
10  cards
Short Stature
What is short stature,
Predicted height formula,
Causes of short stature
4  cards
Developmental Milestones
Child development separated into ...,
Gross motor developmental milestones,
Fine motor developmental milestones
6  cards
Developmental delay
What is a global developmental delay,
Gross motor developmental delay,
Fine motor delay
5  cards
Learning Disability
What are types of learning disabi...,
Classification of learning disabi...,
Causes of learning disabilities
5  cards
Delayed puberty
When does puberty normally start ...,
What is used to determine puberta...,
What is hypogonadism causes
8  cards
Mendelian Inheritance
What is mendelian inheritance,
I want to illustrate one final sc...
2  cards
Chromosome disorders
What are chromosome disorders,
What are deletion disorders example,
Duplication disorders cause
6  cards
Mitochondrial Inheritance
What are mitochondria function dna,
What is mitochondrial inheritance...
2  cards
Genetic testing
Diagnostic genetic testing,
Predictive genetic testing,
Carrier testing
7  cards
Downs syndrome
What is down s syndrome,
Dysmorphic features of downs synd...,
Complications of downs syndrome
8  cards
Klinefelter syndrome
What is klinefelter syndrome,
Features of klinefelter syndrome,
Management options for klinefelte...
4  cards
Turner syndrome
Turner syndrome occurs when a fem...,
Features of turner syndrome,
Associated conditions turners syn...
4  cards
Noonan syndrome
What is noonan syndrome,
Features of noonan syndrome,
Associated conditions noonan synd...
4  cards
Marfan Syndrome
What is marfan syndrome,
Features of marfan syndrome,
Associated conditions marfan synd...
4  cards
Fragile X Syndrome
What is fragile x syndrome,
Features of fragile x,
Management of fragile x
3  cards
Prader-Willi syndrome
What is prader willi syndrome,
Features of prader willi syndrome,
Management of prader willi syndrome
3  cards
Angelman syndrome
What is angelman syndrome,
Features of angelman syndrome,
Management of angelman syndrome
3  cards
William Syndrome
What is william syndrome,
Features of william syndrome,
William syndrome associated condi...
4  cards
What is syncope,
What is a vasovagal episode,
Signs and symptoms of syncope
9  cards
Epilepsy in Children
What is epilepsy,
What are generalised tonic clonic...,
What are focal seizures
15  cards
Febrile Convulsions
Febrile convulsions,
Simple vs complex febrile convuls...,
How are febrile convulsions diagn...
6  cards
Breath Holding Spells
What are breath holding spells,
Types of breath holding spells,
What are cyanotic breath holding ...
5  cards
Causes of headaches in children,
What are tension headaches sympto...,
Types of migraine pathophysiology...
5  cards
Cerebral palsy
What is cerebral palsy,
Causes of cp,
Types of cp
8  cards
What happens when squint occurs i...,
Types of squint
7  cards
What is hydrocephalus,
Normal csf physiology,
Causes of hydrocephalus
6  cards
What is craniosynostosis,
How does craniosynostosis present,
Investigations craniosynostosis
4  cards
Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly
What are plagiocephaly and brachy...,
Causes of plagiocephaly and brach...,
Presentation of plagiocephaly and...
4  cards
Muscular Dystrophy
What is muscular dystrophy,
Types of muscular dystrophy,
Gower s sign
5  cards
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
What is spinal muscular atrophy s...,
Categories of spinal muscular atr...,
Management sma
3  cards
Presentation of depression,
Key points in depression history ...,
Management of depression in child...
3  cards
Generalised anxiety disorder
What is gad,
Assessment of gad,
Management of gad
3  cards
What is ocd,
Ocd cycle,
Ocd associations
4  cards
What is asd,
Features of asd,
Diagnosis asd
4  cards
What is adhd,
Features of adhd,
Management adhd
3  cards
Eating disorders
What is anorexia nervosa,
Features of anorexia nervosa,
Complications of anorexia nervosa
8  cards
Personality disorders
What is a personality disorder,
Presentation of personality disor...,
Types of personality disorders
7  cards
Tourette's and Tics
What is tourette s syndrome,
When do tics present associated with,
Examples of simple vs complex tics
4  cards
Foetal haemoglobin
What is foetal haemglobin compose...,
Differences between adult and foe...,
What happens to hbf at birth
4  cards
Anaemia in children
How is anaemia diagnosed,
Causes of anaemia in infancy,
Physiologic anaemia of infancy
11  cards
Iron deficiency anaemia
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia,
Causes of reduced iron absorption,
How is transferrin saturation mea...
8  cards
Types of leukaemia,
Pathophysiology leukaemia
9  cards
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
What is itp,
How does itp present,
Management of itp
4  cards
Sickle cell anaemia
What is sickle cell anaemia,
Pathophysiology sickle cell,
Relation to malaria
12  cards
What is thalassaemia,
Signs and symptoms of thalassaemia,
Diagnosis thalassaemia
9  cards
Hereditary spherocytosis
What is hereditary spherocytosis,
Presentation hereditary spherocyt...,
Complications hereditary spherocy...
6  cards
G6PD deficiency
What is g6pd deficiency,
Pathophysiology g6pd deficiency,
Presentation of g6pd deficiency d...
4  cards
Skin sensitisation theory of allergy,
Conditions that occur as a result...,
Classification of hypersensitivit...
11  cards
What is anaphylaxis,
How does anaphylaxis present,
Management of anaphylaxis
6  cards
Allergic rhinitis
What is allergic rhinitis,
Presentation allergic rhinitis,
Triggers allergic rhinitis
5  cards
Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
What is cow s milk protein allergy,
Presentation of cow s milk protei...,
Diagnosis management of cow s mil...
4  cards
Recurrent infections in children
When do investigate recurrent inf...,
Investigations f
2  cards
What is scid,
Presentation of scid,
Causes of scid
5  cards
B cell and immunoglobulin disorders
Abnormal b cell consequences,
Selective immunglobulin a deficiency,
Common variable immunodeficiency
4  cards
T cell disorders
What is digeogre syndrome features,
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase d...,
Wiskott aldrich syndrome
5  cards
Complement disorders
What are complement disorders,
Complement deficiency consequence...,
Hereditary angioedema features tr...
4  cards
Examples of inactivated vaccines,
Subunit and conjugate vaccines ex...,
Live attenuated vaccines examples
8  cards
Paediatric sepsis
What is sepsis,
Pathophysiology sepsis,
Septic shock
7  cards
What is meningitis meningococcal ...,
Most common causes of bacterial m...,
Presentation meningitis dx
10  cards
Paediatric encephalitis
What is encephalitis,
Most common cause of encephalitis...,
Presentation of encephalitis
6  cards
Infectious mononucleosis
What is im,
Features of mono,
Diagnosis mono
5  cards
What is mumps,
Presentation of mumps,
Dx management of mumps
4  cards
Pathophysiology hiv,
Transmission of hiv,
Preventing transmission during birth
8  cards
Hepatitis B
What is hep b transmission,
Hep b infection in children,
Hep b infection in children
9  cards
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis c transmission tx,
Disease course hep c,
Complications hep c
6  cards
What is tonsillitis cause,
Waldeyer s ring,
Symptoms tonsillitis
8  cards
What is quinsy,
What causes peritonsillar abscesses,
Presentation quinsy
5  cards
What is tonsillectomy,
Indications for tonsillectomy,
Complications of tonsillitis
4  cards
Otitis media
What is otitis media cause,
Organisms involved in otitis media,
Presentation otitis media
6  cards
Glue ear
What is glue ear,
Signs symptoms of glue ear,
Management of glue ear
4  cards
Hearing loss
Causes of hearing loss in children,
Presentation of hearing loss in c...,
Purpose of audiometry
5  cards
What are nosebleeds,
Presentation of nosebleeds,
Management of nosebleeds
3  cards
Cleft lip
Cleft lip vs cleft palate,
Causes of cleft lip palate,
Complications of cleft lip palate
4  cards
Tongue tie
What is a tongue tie,
Management of tongue tie
2  cards
Cystic hygroma
What is a cystic hygroma diagnosis,
Key features of cystic hygroma,
Complications cystic hygroma
4  cards
Thyroglossal cysts
Pathophysiolgy thyroglossal cyst,
Key differential diagnosis thyrog...,
Main complication thyroglossal du...
5  cards
Branchial cysts
Branchial cyst pathophysiology,
Presentation branchial cyst epide...,
Branchial sinus fistula
4  cards
Growth plates,
Children vs adult bones,
Fractures in children vs adults
7  cards
Hip pain
Hip pain in children presents with,
Causes of joint pain in children,
Red flags for hip pain
4  cards
Septic arthritis
What is septic arthritis,
What causes septic arthritis,
Presentation septic arthritis
7  cards
Transient synovitis
What is transient synovitis,
Presentation of transient synovitis,
Management transient synovitis
4  cards
Perthes disease
What is perthes disease epidemiology,
Cause of perthes,
Complication perthes
6  cards
What is sufe epidemiology,
Presentation sufe,
Diagnosis sufe
4  cards
What is osteomyelitis most common...,
Epidemiology osteomyelitis risk f...,
Presentation osteomyelitis
5  cards
What is osteosarcoma,
Presentation osteosarcoma,
Diagnosis osteosarcoma
4  cards
Talipes (clubfoot)
What is talipes,
Treatment talipes,
Ponseti method
4  cards
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
What is ddh,
Risk factors ddh
6  cards
What is rickets,
Causes of rickets,
Pathophysiology rickets
6  cards
What is achondroplasia,
Cause of achondroplasia,
Features of achondroplasia
6  cards
Osgood-schlatters disease
Osgood schlatters caused by epide...,
Presentation osgood schlatter
5  cards
Osteogenesis imperfecta
What is osteogenesis imperfecta c...,
Diagnosis management
3  cards
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
What is jia,
Key features of inflammatory arth...,
Types of jia
11  cards
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
What is eds,
Types of eds,
Presentation of hypermobile eds
6  cards
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
What is hsp,
What is hsp rash caused by,
Purpura in hsp arthritis abdomina...
6  cards
Kawasaki Disease
What is kawasaki disease,
Key complication kawasaki disease,
Clinical features
6  cards
Rheumatic fever
What is acute rheumatic fever,
Pathophysiology of rheumatic fever,
Presentation of rheumatic fever
8  cards
What is eczema presentation,
Pathophysiology eczema,
Management eczema
7  cards
Eczema herpeticum
What is eczema herpeticum,
Presentation eczema herpeticum,
Rash with eczema herpeticum
5  cards
What is psoriasis,
Features of psoriasis,
Types of psoriasis
6  cards
Acne vulgaris
Acne vulgaris pathophysiology,
Presentation acne,
Management acne
4  cards
Viral exanthemas
What are viral exanthemas,
Measles caused by spread symptoms...,
Disease course measles complications
12  cards
Erythema multiforme
What is erythema multiforme,
Diagnosis management
3  cards
What is urticaria associations cl...,
Pathophysiology urticaria,
Causes of acute urticaria
5  cards
Chickenpox caused by,
5  cards
Hand, foot and mouth
Hand foot and mouth caused by,
Diagnosis management
4  cards
Molluscum contagiosum
What is molluscum contagiosum,
3  cards
Pityriasis rosea
What is pityriasis rosea,
Disease course
4  cards
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
What is seborrhoea dermatitis cause,
Infantile seborrheoic dermatitis ...,
Seborrheoic dermatitis of the sca...
4  cards
What is ringworm types cause,
Presentation ringworm,
4  cards
Nappy rash
What is nappy rash cause,
Risk factors,
6  cards
What is scabies,
4  cards
What is head lice spread,
3  cards
Non-blanching rashes
What are non blanching rashes cau...,
Investigation non blanching rash,
Differential diagnosis non blanch...
5  cards
Erythema nodosum
What is erythema nodosum caused by,
Associations erythema nodosum,
Presentation erythema nodosum
5  cards
What is impetigo contagious cause...,
Non bullous impetigo treatment,
Bullous impetigo treatment
4  cards
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
What is ssss epidemiology,
3  cards
What are sjs and ten,
5  cards
Shaken baby syndrome
1  cards
APGAR Scores
When should apgar scores be measured,
What is it
2  cards
Investigations in infants 3 month...
1  cards
Hypernatraemic dehydration
Signs of hypernatraemic dehydration
1  cards

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Child Health

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