This class was created by Brainscape user Rushil Shah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Nature of God
Qualities of god boom jet ipf,
Benevolence and its significance ...,
Omniscience and its significance ...
20  cards
Concept of God as a Trinity of persons
What is the trinity,
The father,
What does the father show
15  cards
Biblical Accounts of Creation
What is god,
What is the role of the father in...,
What is the role of the spirit in...
16  cards
The problem of evil and suffering and a loving and righteous God
Concept of evil,
Natural evil,
Moral evil
10  cards
Jesus Christ
Q he began to teach in the synago...,
Q just then his disciples returne...,
Q then jesus said to her
20  cards
The incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension
Meaning of the incarnation,
Meaning of the crucifixion,
Meaning of the resurrection
14  cards
The concept of salvation
What is salvation,
What is atonement,
Atonement relation to christians
18  cards
Eschatological beliefs and teachings
What is the meaning of resurrection,
What is the meaning of life after...,
What is the meaning of heaven
15  cards
What is worship,
Purposes of worship,
Liturgical worship
21  cards
What is a sacrament,
What 7 sacraments does the roman ...,
What 2 sacraments do the protesta...
19  cards
What is prayer,
The impact and importance of pray...,
The importance of prayer in worship
22  cards
The role and importance of pilgrimage and celebrations to Christians
What is a pilgrimage,
What is the significance of lourdes,
Why do people go on pilgrimage to...
23  cards
The role of the Church in the local community and living practices
Meaning of rites of passage,
Importance of rites of passage,
Importance of infant baptism to i...
19  cards
What is a mission,
What is the mission for christians,
What does evangelism mean
7  cards
The role of the Church in the wider world
Meaning of ecumenical,
What is the aim of ecumenicalism,
Meaning of the word church
5  cards

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