This class was created by Brainscape user Malgorzata Gorajek. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Basic Metal Biochemistry
Why are metals important for huma...,
How do metals exist within the body,
Which metallic form in the body r...
80  cards
Molecular Mechanisms of Human Copper distribution and Homeostasis
Which copper containing enzymes i...,
Which copper containing enzyme is...,
Which copper containing enzyme is...
33  cards
Molecular Mechanisms Of Human iron Distribution And Homeostasis
Who does anemia mostly affect,
Which areas are most affected by ...,
What percentage of children aged ...
63  cards
Nutrient X Gene interactions and age-related disorders
What are the main characteristic ...,
What are the main characteristics...,
What is the risk of developing a ...
79  cards
Selenium, Cancer and Nutritional genomics from SNPs to molecular pathways
What is cancer,
What kinds of mutations can cause...,
What is angiogenesis
71  cards
Introduction to Epigenetics
Define epigenetics,
How are epigenetic heritable,
Why are epigenetic important for ...
45  cards
Environmental and dietary impacts on Epigenetics
What are the main sources of epig...,
Where does folate come from,
Why is folate important
25  cards
Type 2 Diabetes
What is type 1 diabetes,
What is type 2 diabetes,
What are the 2 hybrid forms of di...
43  cards
Inflammation And Immunology Basics
What does it mean when you descri...,
What can sustained tissue inflamm...,
What happens to the incidence of ...
23  cards
Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
What is inflammation,
What is the issue with sustained ...,
What is acute inflammation
74  cards
Infections And Immunity
What are the features of acute in...,
What are the features of chronic ...,
What are infectious diseases
44  cards
Infection Pathogenesis
What is immunopathologic damage,
How does cytokine release by macr...,
How does cell killing by ctl lead...
36  cards
What kinds of immunotherapy is there,
What is immunotherapy,
What diseases respond to immunoth...
35  cards
The Clinical Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease
What is ckd,
What is acute kidney disease,
What is the function of the kidneys
52  cards
Pathophysiology and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
What is the cause of the ckd epid...,
What is eskd,
What is risk of progression to es...
8  cards

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chronic disease

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