This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Hof. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

nog niet af Slade: The personal recovery framework (final exam)
4 negative impacts from being dia...,
Heart acronym,
4 key domains of personal recovery
20  cards
Lecture 1: introduction
5 common mistakes,
5 common,
2 taxonomic approaches
6  cards
Lecture 2: personal recovery
A third person perspective,
A first person perspective,
4 key domains of recovery
17  cards
Lecture 3: categorical taxonomies and DSM
Waaruit bestaat een symptoom,
Wie had de basis gelegd voor psyc...,
Wat dacht emil kraepelin
48  cards
Lecture 4: Case conceptualisation
Psychotherapy case formulation is,
Wat zijn de onderdelen van case c...,
Welke onderdelen beinvloeden de p...
30  cards
Lecture 5: Dimensional taxonomies and hiTOP
Implicit essentialism in the dsm 5,
Core ideas
22  cards
Chapter 9 the personal recovery framework
4 negative impacts following a di...,
Four processes from a review of p...,
Heart acronym
31  cards
Chapter 16: Assessment
Aims of a recovery focused assess...,
Exploring the importance of perso...,
Baumeisters conceptual framework ...
43  cards
Making up people
Verschil a en b sentences,
The engines used in human science...,
Hoe kan je het five part framewor...
9  cards
Chapter 1: Defining formulation: benefits, goals, history, and influences
Psychotherapy case formulation,
Soorten formulations,
Formulation involves both
15  cards
Chapter 4: Formulation in the context of psychotherapy integration
One of the key strengths of an in...,
Bovenste deel van integrative mod...,
Wat hoort er bij formulate
12  cards
The relationist turn in understanding mental disorders
Categorical model,
Critiques of the dsm,
25  cards
Chapter 1: Differential diagnosis step by step
De 6 stappen,
Verschil malingering en fictitious,
When should suspicion be raised f...
4  cards

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cids tentamen

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