This class was created by Brainscape user Samuel Peterson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Masterclass 2
What is general market risk,
What is specific market risk,
What is migration risk
12  cards
Chapter 5: Market Risk
What is market risk,
What is a direct market risk factor,
What is an indirect market risk f...
45  cards
What is the difference between va...
1  cards
Chapter 3: Operational Risk
What is the definition of operati...,
What does the basel committee req...,
What is the difference between in...
38  cards
Chapter 9: Risk Oversight and Corporate Governance
Who is responsible for corporate ...,
What are the 3 lines of defence i...,
What areas of risk does the board...
10  cards
Chapter 8: Model Risk
What is model risk,
What are models used for,
How did long term capital managem...
6  cards
Chapter 4: Credit Risk
What is credit risk at it s most ...,
What is the party with the financ...,
What is the party with the financ...
48  cards
Chapter 6: Investment Risk
What is a nominal return,
What is a real return,
What is the calculation for real ...
7  cards
Chapter 10: Enterprise Risk Management
What is enterprise risk management,
Difference between corporate gove...,
What does erm look to achieve
3  cards
Chapter 2: International Risk Regulation
What is the bis,
What is the basel comittee,
What are the 3 pillars of the bas...
8  cards
Chapter 1: Principles of Risk Management
What is pestle analysis,
What is enterprise risk,
Where can external risk sources c...
7  cards
What is the effect that occurs wh...,
What does a risk manager do,
What is the cro responsible for
22  cards
Chapter 7: Liquidity Risk
What is the maturity ladder,
How can liquidity shortfall be ca...,
What is the downside of using con...
11  cards

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cisi: risk

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