classical civilisation

This class was created by Brainscape user maya schottlander. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Who is how many kisses to lesbia ...,
2  cards
improper women
Define parthenos,
Define nymphe
15  cards
women of legend
What did tarpeia do and who was t...,
Who wrote the source of lucretia,
Who was tarquinius priscus son
20  cards
young women
Who was an athenian girl under th...,
What happened in an athenian wedd...,
What was a syssition
12  cards
women of the home
What was an unmarried virgin gree...,
What was a gynae,
What was a stele
15  cards
roman entertainment
What was the main,
Name some features of the colosseum,
How many people could the colosse...
33  cards
Women in Religion
What was the pythia,
What was a hiereia,
What was a pantheon
52  cards
Women in Power
What type of government did athen...,
What was the ekklesia and when an...,
Explain the boule
25  cards
Roman housing
Define insula,
Define domus,
What are the 4 prescribed sources...
25  cards
Roman home and family
What were duties of the paterfami...,
Define a patron,
Define a client
15  cards
Roman Literature
Who was juvenal occupation,
Who was trimalchio who was he wri...,
How is trimalchio presented as vu...
6  cards
Warrior women
What type of society were the ama...,
What happened to their sons of th...,
What were the amazons deemed as
5  cards
Women to be feared
What was jason s ship called,
Who was medea s father,
Who is madea associated with
18  cards
25  cards
RCL Names
Who is fortunata what story is sh...,
Who is trimalchio,
Who is encolpius
3  cards
17  cards
Wrong Answers
Where is the pythia located,
What were the jobs of the pythia,
What type of women were allowed t...
19  cards

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classical civilisation

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