This class was created by Brainscape user Sophia Flanders. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Roman housing:domus
What is the atrium,
What is the puirpose of the atrium,
Where is the atrium located
27  cards
women of legend
Who is pandora,
Who is zeus,
Who is hephastus
19  cards
young women
In which country can you find spa...,
What is oikos,
What is the order in which the at...
19  cards
Women In The Home(athens)
What is an ideal athenian women b...,
In one of the most famous speeche...,
In perciles famous speech where h...
35  cards
women in the home(sparta)
Spartan society expected married ...,
For married spartan women to conc...,
The edication revieved by spartan...
29  cards
women in the home (rome)
What was the matrona expected to do,
Why were they supposed to produuc...,
Most roman mothers would do what ...
26  cards
roman society
What is the highest roman group i...,
Name examples of bad treatments,
Why would they beat and punish th...
51  cards
women in the home prescribed literacy source laudatio turiae
What terrible thing happened to t...,
What was the name of turia s sist...,
Where was turia s husband at this...
30  cards
roman family,education and dinner parties
What were the reposbilties of a p...,
What does the patron provide for ...,
3  cards
sparta additional sources WITH
Xephone 17 8 what does it tell us,
2  cards
Rome additional sources WITH
0  cards
Athens additional sources
0  cards
sparta young women sources
0  cards
rome young women souces
0  cards
athens young women sources
0  cards
What is a murmillo,
What is a secutor,
What is a hoplomachus
16  cards
What is a,
10  cards
Case Study : Neaira (athens,greece)
What does the story of neaira dem...,
Where is neaira born,
When she was a child she was told...
7  cards
Aspasia case study
Where was aspasia born,
What was aspasia s resident status,
What was aspais s occupation
17  cards
13  cards
source for religions
Grave stele,
2  cards

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