clinical imaging

This class was created by Brainscape user Abbie Baker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lesson 1 - SI Units
Name the 3 components in an si unit,
What is a vector quantity,
What is a scalar quantity
26  cards
Week 2- Atomic Structure
Charge and mass of neutron,
Charge and mass of proton,
Charge and mass of electron
17  cards
week 1 -radiology
Describe plain film x ray imaging,
Describe radiopaque,
Describe radiolucent
29  cards
Week 3- Electromagnetic And Optical Radiation
Define radiation,
Define electromagnetic radiation,
Define particle radiation
37  cards
week 3- the knee NRA
What is intercondylar tunel proje...,
What is tangential skyline or sun...,
Define anthesis
16  cards
week 4- ionising radiation
Name 2 sources of ionising radiation,
List natural sources of radiation,
List artificial radiation sources
30  cards
week 4-Pelvis and Hips
List common views of hip,
List common views of pelvis,
Why cant we see si joint from ap
23  cards
Week 5- Interactions Of X-Rays
How does emrbehave,
How does emr energy travel,
What is e photon energy proportio...
43  cards
Week 5- Thorax And Spine NRA
List normal views of lumbar spine,
List normal views of thoracic spine,
List special views of lumbar spine
19  cards
Week 6- X-Ray Photon Production
List components of a diagnostic x...,
Describe tube housing,
Describe light beam diagrpham
32  cards
week 6-head and neck
List nromal views,
List special views,
What dos oblique mean
19  cards
week 7-shoulder
List normal views of shoulder,
Why is the claicle pa view,
List special view of shouldr
7  cards
week 8- upper limb NRA
List common views of elbow wrist ...,
List special views of elbow wrist...,
What does the olecranon fossa and...
14  cards
Week 11- mri
What does mri stand for,
How can we change the random move...,
What is t1
15  cards
A tungsten target can produce a c...,
Explain how any of the following ...,
Q3 derived quantities are produce...
3  cards

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clinical imaging

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