This class was created by Brainscape user Laura Westman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Classic aims of premedication,
The main purpose for use of antic...,
Atropine inhibits transmission of
70  cards
Common drugs used in horses
Ia injection,
Phenothiazine used in horses
65  cards
Substances with an effect on the digestive system
Sensory cells in the wall of the ...,
Gi hormones are produced after st...,
Substances affecting the gastroin...
57  cards
Digestive system substance seminar
A useful way to administer large ...,
With production animals you also ...,
The principles of the treatment o...
18  cards
Drugs for treating GI disease in small animals
Antiemetics are for,
Nk1 neukokinin antagonist antieme...,
5ht3 serotonergic antagonists suc...
48  cards
Reproductive system drugs
Female sex hormone production is ...,
Female sex hormones are considere...,
The neurosecretory cells in the h...
65  cards
Drugs acting on the reproductive system, production animals
Hormonal synchronisation goal,
Assisting calving
12  cards
Drugs for treating reproductive disease
Prostaglandins have what physiolo...,
Clinical indications for prostagl...,
Prostaglandin f2 alpha its synthe...
30  cards
Cardiovascular system substances
Cardiac muscle contraction mechanism,
The potential of the cardiac cell...,
The cardiac cell membrane is sele...
67  cards
The kidney functions associated w...,
Functions of the kidneys besides ...,
Urine formation is composed of 3 ...
45  cards
Drugs for treating cardiac disease
Drugs for treating heart failure ...,
64  cards
Pain and its management
Nociception is,
Nociception does not require,
Nociceptor is a
21  cards
Use of Antibiotics, Antimicrobial Resistance
Simply explain the concept of ant...,
Higher risk for resistance develo...,
What is ameg
17  cards
Respiratory system drugs
Why does o2 diffuse from the alve...,
What of o2 is bound to hemoglobin,
One hemoglobin molecule can trans...
52  cards
Substances affecting blood
Blood accounts for approx what of...,
The lifespan of cellular elements...,
Blood loss of what hypovolemic shock
53  cards
Drugs for treating respiratory disease - seminar
Main indication for diuretics in ...,
Describe bronchodilators 4,
Name an injectable bronchodilator...
26  cards
Drugs acting on the respiratory system (production animals)
The main point of respiratory dis...,
What s a frequently overlooked fa...
5  cards
Drugs for treating hormone disorders
Describe levothyroxine,
Goal of levothyroxine treatment,
Levothyroxine overdose in animals
17  cards
European legislation establishes 2,
Define withdrawal period,
What is the cascade system for ve...
7  cards
How drugs work
Cellular mechanisms of drug action,
Non cellular mechanisms of drug a...,
Drug response may characterized a...
11  cards
1  cards

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clinical pharmacology

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