This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah Assaf. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Sheet 1
What are the basic functions of t...,
What is the sensation function of...,
Stimuli is mainly what type of en...
125  cards
Sheet 2
Where is the spinal cord located,
Where does the spinal cord start ...,
The spinal cord is slightly flatt...
102  cards
Sheet 3
What is sensation,
What are the types of mechanorece...,
What are meissner s corpuscles re...
74  cards
Sheet 4
Which lobe is the motor lobe,
Which lobe is the sensory lobe,
Which lobe is the auditory lobe
70  cards
Sheet 5
What is the modality of the anter...,
What is the most important differ...,
When we refer to the als what wil...
65  cards
Sheet 6
What does the brainstem connect,
What are the parts of the brainstem,
Where do the anterior and lateral...
70  cards
Sheet 7
What does the brain stem consist of,
The fourth ventricle is the cavit...,
The brain stem is a passage for
54  cards
Sheet 8
What passes through the central g...,
Which nerve is purely motor,
Which nucleus is a parasympatheti...
9  cards
Sheet 10
The trigeminal nerve supplies the...,
Where is the motor nucleus of the...,
Where is the main sensory nucleus...
38  cards
Sheet 11
What happens if there is a legion...,
What happens if there is a fractu...,
What happens if there is an upper...
23  cards
Online 1
Symptoms of destruction of the ls...,
Symptoms of destruction of the po...,
Symptoms of syringomyelia
7  cards
Anatomy 11
What is a neuron,
What is a neuron made up of,
What are the 3 shapes of neurons
51  cards
Anatomy 12
What are the 4 lines of the brain,
Each hemisphere is dividedinto 4 ...,
What does the cerebral hemisphere...
71  cards
Anatomy 13&14
What is the morphological classif...,
Campbell s 1905 classification ha...,
Brodmann s 1909 classification ha...
47  cards
Anatomy 15
What happens during the 3rd week ...,
What happens to the neural plate ...,
What happens to the neural groove...
72  cards
Anatomy 16
The white matter of the brain con...,
What do association fibers connect,
What do commissural fibers connect
102  cards
Anatomy 17
What is the lateral ventricle,
What is the lateral ventricle div...,
Where does the central part of th...
31  cards
Anatomy 18
What is the 3rd ventricle,
What is the roof of the 3rd ventr...,
What is the anterior wall of the ...
53  cards
Anatomy 19
What forms the cerebellum,
What are the 2 surfaces of the ce...,
The cerebellum s surfaces have
51  cards

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cns anatomy

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