This class was created by Brainscape user alannah sell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Coasts as Systems
What are 2 examples of inputs in ...,
What are 2 examples of outputs in...,
What are 2 examples of transfers ...
15  cards
Sources of Energy at the Coast
What causes waves to form,
How does a more elliptical orbit ...,
What factors impact the energy of...
20  cards
What is corrasion,
What is abrasion,
What is corrosion
13  cards
Weathering and Mass Movement Processes
What are the 3 types of weathering,
Give an example of mechanical wea...,
Give an example of biological wea...
10  cards
Coastal Landforms and Landscapes
What is an important factor in th...,
What is the sequence of landforms...,
How might a storm show an example...
19  cards
Sea Level Change
What is isostatic sea level change,
What is eustatic sea level change,
What scale does isostatic change ...
18  cards
Coastal Management
What are smps,
What are the 4 main things smps c...,
What are 2 positives of using smp...
21  cards
How has sea level change climate ...,
What is one way the government is...,
Why is the sundarbans important f...
30  cards
Where is holderness,
What is the geology like at holde...,
Why is the area so vulnerable to ...
25  cards
4 mark questions
Explain the formation of barrier ...,
Outline the process of sub aerial...,
Outline the process of coastal hy...
11  cards
Sediments sources, cells and budgets
What are inputs into sediment cells,
What is a sediment cell,
Give 3 examples of sediment sources
8  cards
'Assess the factors'
Why is longshore drift an importa...,
Why is a supply of sediment an im...,
What factors impact the developme...
4  cards

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Decks: Tides, Waves, Waves Approaching Shore Cross Shore Sedi, And more!
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