cognitive psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Scarlett Brown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What is cognitive psychology? (intro pack 1)
What is cognitive psychology,
How is the brain like a computer,
What are two assumptions of the c...
4  cards
case study of H.M (cognitive psychology pack 1)
What happened to hm at 7,
What happened to hm aged 27,
Who monitored hm
12  cards
using case studies on brain damaged patients (cognitive psychology pack 1)
3 strengths of case studies on br...,
3 weaknesses of case studies of b...
2  cards
Multi-store model of memory by Atkinson & Shiffrin (pack 2)
What does memory involve,
What stores does the msm suggest ...,
According to msm how does sensory...
14  cards
working memory model by Baddeley and Hitch (pack 2)
What is working memory,
What is the role of the working m...,
What are 3 things working memory ...
12  cards
classic study- Baddeley (pack 2)
What is the title of baddeley s s...,
What did he want to find out,
How did baddeley test both types ...
13  cards
Tulving's LTM (pack 3)
What did tulving argue was wrong ...,
What did tulving propose ltm coul...,
What is episodic memory
17  cards
Bartlett's theory of reconstructive memory (pack 3)
What did bartlett argue memory wa...,
How did he say our experiences co...,
How did bartlett demonstrate reco...
11  cards
Sebastian and Hernandez Gill Contemporary study (pack 3)
What was the title,
What were the two aims of the study,
What else did the study compare i...
14  cards
Individual differences in memory (pack 3)
Processing speed,
Schemas bartlett,
Episodic memory
3  cards
developmental psychology in memory (pack 3)
What is the connection between dy...,
What memory is particularly poor ...,
What did mcdougall find on dyslexia
8  cards
issues and debates (pack 3)
Practical issues in the design an...,
11  cards

More about
cognitive psychology

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