This class was created by Brainscape user Dominic Jarvis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Cold War to 1945
Cold war to 1945,
What did the soviet union feel ab...,
How many american soldiers died i...
60  cards
Cold War 1946-1955
The development of the cold war 1...,
Ussr extending control over easte...,
What did stalin want to create in...
97  cards
The Cold War 1956-84
Developments in germany,
When did the 3 western zones beco...,
When did west germany join nato
113  cards
End of the Cold War
End of the cold war,
What was in short supply in the ussr,
What was there a focus on with th...
143  cards
5.1 - Origins of the Cold War to 1945 - Why were there tensions between the Soviet Union and Western powers prior to 1941?
Chapter 51 why were there tension...,
What were western countries deepl...,
What did the soviet regime feel a...
19  cards
5.2 - How did Germany's invasion of the USSR in 1941 alter East-West relations?
Chapter 52 how did germany s inva...,
Operation barbarossa 1941 when di...,
How did churchill change the imag...
6  cards
5.3 - Why were there tensions in the wartime Grand Alliance?
Chapter 53 tensions in the wartim...,
What were the two main reasons fo...,
What did roosevelt promise in 1942
15  cards
5.4 - Why did the liberation of Europe cause tensions in the wartime alliance and lead to the Cold War?
Chapter 54 why did the liberation...,
When did stalin get his wish and ...,
When did hitler commit suicide
39  cards
5.5 - How far did relations between the wartime leaders cause tensions?
Chapter 55 how far did relations ...,
Why did the soviet leadership rem...,
How did stalin s personality affe...
19  cards
5.6.1 - Who was to blame for the start of the Cold War - The Soviet Union
Chapter 561 was the soviet union ...,
What was the soviet union by nature,
What did stalin annex in 1940
9  cards
5.6.2 - Who was the blame for the start of the Cold War - The USA
Chapter 562 was the usato blame f...,
What policy did president truman ...,
Who did truman fall out with over...
9  cards
6.1 - 1946-55: How did USSR extend control over Eastern Europe
What did stalin want to create in...,
How did the usa interpret the act...,
What type of tactics did stalin u...
59  cards
6.2 - 1946-55: USA countering Soviet influence
What happened in march 1946 that ...,
What did churchill state about ea...,
Who heavily influenced truman s f...
29  cards
6.3 - 1946-55: Issues over Germany
What were the top 2 similar ambit...,
When did britain and usa combined...,
What did stalin envisage germany ...
25  cards
6.4 - 1946-55: Why was NATO created in 1949?
Czech crisis 1948,
What was the state of the czechos...,
What did president benes and fore...
24  cards
7.1 - Cold War 1956-84 - How did developments in Germany affect the Cold War?
Chapter 71 how did developments i...,
When did the 3 western zones beco...,
When had stalin tried to pressuri...
29  cards
7.2 - How effective was Soviet control over Eastern Europe? (Rebellions)
Chapter 72 soviet control over ea...,
What were 3 uprisings in eastern ...,
When did the kremlin dissolve com...
43  cards
7.3 - Who was more successful in the Cold War, East or West? - Arms Race/Space Race
Chapter 73 were the east or west ...,
What gave the usa a distinct adva...,
When did the soviets produce thei...
18  cards
7.4 - What difference did detente make to relations between East and West?
Chapter 74 detente,
What initiated a new period of ca...,
What did the deal between the usa...
30  cards
7.5 - Why did a new Cold War begin in the late 1970s?
Chapter 75 new cold war,
When did detente reach its point ...,
Why were agreements at the vienna...
13  cards
8.1 - Ending of the CW 84-95: Internal problems in Eastern Europe
Economic and social problems in t...,
What was in very short supply in ...,
What was there a concentration on...
34  cards
8.2 - Impact of USSR economic problems on the CW
What did reagan describe the ussr...,
What did reagan increase defence ...,
How much did the sdi programme co...
18  cards
8.3 - Why did communism collapse in the late 80s?
When did gorbachev announce that ...,
What did the ending of the brezhn...,
Hungary the first to crack
69  cards
8.4 - Consequences - German reunification
Chapter 84 consequences of the co...,
What did the four former allies a...,
How many east germans left for th...
17  cards
8.4 - Consequences - Gorbachev/August Coup 1991
Chapter 84 why was gorbachev remo...,
What was gorbachev seen as to the...,
What gorbachev policy made him un...
19  cards
8.4 - Consequences - Yugoslavian Civil War
Chapter 84 consequences of the en...,
When did yugoslavia hold its firs...,
Who won the first multi party ele...
21  cards

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cold war

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