This class was created by Brainscape user marie coeman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

facial and ear conditions
What is the location of the pain ...,
What triggers glossopharyngeal ne...,
What virus is herpes zoster cause...
8  cards
neck conditions
What are the most commonly fractu...,
In the c1 vertebra what structure...,
What is a jefferson s burst fracture
19  cards
shoulder conditions
What is adhesive capsulitis,
What are the three stages of adhe...,
What symptoms can be expected in ...
69  cards
arm conditions
What are s s of pancoast tumour,
What are the signs of horner synd...,
What diagnosis can pancoast tumou...
33  cards
elbow conditions
What are the most common causes o...,
What is a pulled elbow,
Who is most at risk for a pulled ...
15  cards
wrist and hand conditions
What is a tenosynovitis,
What age group and profession is ...,
What is the dequervian s tenosyno...
59  cards
CN II: optic nerve
What is retrobulbar neuritis,
In what conditions does retrobulb...,
What are s s for retrobulbar neur...
16  cards
CN III: oculomotor nerve
What is the function of the oculo...,
What muscles does the oculomotor ...,
What other parasympathetic struct...
6  cards
CN IV: trochlear nerve
What is the function of the troch...,
How is the trochlear nerve examined,
What are the symptoms of a trochl...
4  cards
CN VI: abducens nerve
What is the function of the abduc...,
How is the abducens nerve examined,
What are the symptoms of abducens...
4  cards
CN V: trigeminal nerve
What are the three branches of th...,
What is the function of the optha...,
What is the function of the maxil...
10  cards
CN VII: facial nerve
What muscles does the facial nerv...,
What is the function of the poste...,
What is the function of the stylo...
10  cards
CN VIII: vestibulocochlear nerve
What does the vestibulocochlear n...,
What is meniere s disease,
What are s s of meniere s disease
5  cards
CN IX: glossopharyngeal nerve
What is the sensory innervation o...,
What is the motor innervation of ...,
What is the parasympathetic inner...
5  cards
CN X: vagus nerve
What is the sensory innervation o...,
What is the motor innervation of ...,
What is the parasympathetic inner...
4  cards
CN XI: accessory nerve
Which muscles does the accessory ...,
What are the symptoms of an acces...
2  cards
CN XII: hypoglossal nerve
Which muscles does the hypoglossa...,
What are the signs of a hypogloss...
2  cards
chest conditions
What is the cause of asthma,
What triggers asthma,
What are s s of asthma
48  cards
gen med: heart conditions and diabetes
What are arrhythmias,
What are three types of atrial ar...,
What is an ectopic heart beat
52  cards
spine conditions
What is an abdominal aortic aneur...,
What is the pain referral pattern...,
What are s s of aaa
63  cards
stomach, pancreas, liver and gallbladder conditions
What is appendicitis,
What are the s s of appendicitis,
What aggravates the pain in appen...
88  cards
hip conditions in children
What is developmental hip dysplas...,
What are children with ddh at ris...,
What is the most common age for d...
17  cards
hip conditions
What are the s s of avn in the hip,
Ecreased rom,
What are s s of trochanteric burs...
63  cards
pelvic pain and gynaecological disorders
What is pelvic inflammatory disea...,
What are common symptoms of pelvi...,
What is a ectopic pregnancy
12  cards
leg pain and venous problems
What are s s of an achilles rupture,
What is the imaging of choice for...,
What is the cause of chronic veno...
51  cards
knee conditions
What are s s of pre patellar burs...,
What are s s of infrapatellar bur...,
Which muscles attach to the pes a...
62  cards
brachial plexus
Which muscles does the maxillary ...,
Which roots does the maxillary ne...,
Which cervical roots does the axi...
18  cards
lumbosacral plexus
Which roots are,
Which nerve roots does the ilioin...,
Which muscles are innervated by t...
31  cards
ankle and foot pain
A achillles tendinopathy can occu...,
What are s s of achilles tendinop...,
What is the treatment for achille...
5  cards

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