congenital defects & pediatrics copy

This class was created by Brainscape user Louis Stein. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

An Introduction: Topic 1
What are two types of congenital ...,
What are two types of environment...,
What is the prevalence of acquire...
23  cards
Defects & Pediatric Perfusion: Topic 2
How old is considered neonatal,
How old is considered pediatric,
What is the primary energy source...
66  cards
Blood Gases & Hypothermia: Topic 3
What do the major differences bet...,
Myocytes myofibrils in peds,
Number of mitochondria in peds
107  cards
Cardioplegia and MUF: Topic 4
What do we want in our cardiopleg...,
Cardioplegia circuits may include 6,
What two components of the cardio...
48  cards
Cardiac Embryology (Part 1): Topic 5
Where does fertilization occur,
What forms a zygote,
What undergoes cell divisions
100  cards
Cardiac Embryology (Part 2): Topic 6
When does heart folding occur,
Heart undergoes a series of foldi...,
Heart tube grows rapidly in lengt...
54  cards
Vascular Embryology: Topic 7
Vascular development occurs by wh...,
51  cards
Fetal Circulation and Physiology- Topic 8
In the fetus what organs do not f...,
How does the fetus obtain oxygen ...,
How are wastes and co2 eliminated...
48  cards
Congenital Heart Defects: ASD/VSD- Topic 9
Cpb normorthermic blood flow,
Atrial septal defects most common...,
Atrial septal defects can involve...
95  cards
AVC, ECD, AVSD- Topic 10
60  cards
Valvular Defects- Topic 11
Absent pulmonary valve,
What is absent pulmonary valve aka,
What kind of impairment is seen w...
71  cards
Multiple Cardiac Anomalies- Topic 12
Cor triatriatum,
Left atrium aka,
Right atrium aka
91  cards
What are some of the variations t...,
What are some of the variations t...,
What is a better term for anamous...
66  cards
TOF, DILV, DORV, Damus-Kaye-Stansel- Topic 14
Tof is what percent of all cyanot...,
Tof is the most common cause of _...,
Tof has a very high association w...
56  cards
TGA- Topic 15
Tga tgv,
The lv,
The rv
72  cards
HLHS, HRHS, Single Ventricle Quiz Prep
How is hlhs characterized,
Where is the asd of hlhs syndrome...,
What must happen in patients with...
32  cards
SV, HLHS, HRHS- Topic 16 and 17
Sv physiology,
What s the goal of sv physiology,
Hrhs aka
34  cards
Cpb normorthermic blood flow,
At what day does cardiac septatio...,
How long does cardiac septation last
55  cards
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tof is what percent of all cyanot...,
Tof is the most common cause of _...,
Tof has a very high association w...
35  cards

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congenital defects & pediatrics copy

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