contract law

This class was created by Brainscape user Willow Fox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Common Law
What is contract law,
What is the remoteness of damages...,
What does the contracting party h...
34  cards
Equitable Remedies
What are equitable remedies,
What is equity law
37  cards
Terms of the contract.
What are contracts about,
What can certainty lead to,
What is only contained in the con...
88  cards
Exemption Clauses.
What is an exemption clause,
In what ways can an exemption cla...,
What is a key issue with exemptio...
35  cards
What is a misrepresentation,
What territory does misrepresenta...,
What is fraudulent misrepresentation
71  cards
What are the two types of mistake,
What is an example for the first ...,
What is an example of the second ...
29  cards
Formation of Contracts.
What do the rules on a formation ...,
What are the four steps for a for...,
What is a valid offer
43  cards
Common Law Cases.
What is the rule in robinson v ha...,
What is the rule in hadley v baxe...,
Following the decision in the gol...
21  cards
Misrepresentation and Mistake Cases
What was the contract in spice gi...,
What did aprilia make in italy,
What did aws have to pay
40  cards
Equitable Remedies Cases
What was concluded in behnke v be...,
What happened in beswick v beswick,
What was the result of beswick v ...
9  cards
Consideration at Common Law
What is required for a valid cont...,
How is consideration different fr...,
What exchange is consideration ob...
36  cards
Variation of Contracts
1  cards
Discharge of Obligations
When might obligations end by,
What renders a contract void,
What is duress
10  cards

More about
contract law

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