contract law

This class was created by Brainscape user Cameron Drummond. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What three elements must be prese...,
What is required for valid offer ...,
Does the court take an objective ...
40  cards
What is consideration,
What is executory consideration,
What is executed consideration
21  cards
Intention to Create Legal Relations
What is meant by intention to cre...,
Why is it necessary for there to ...,
What is the test for deciding if ...
9  cards
What is generally the effect of t...,
What is the general rule in relat...,
What is the exception to the gene...
13  cards
What is duress in contract,
What is the effect of a contract ...,
What is the effect of a contract ...
16  cards
Undue Influence
When does undue influence exist,
What are the two forms of undue i...,
What needs be proved if behaviour...
15  cards
Express Terms
Do all contract terms need to be ...,
What is term,
What is a representation
26  cards
Implied Terms
Is an implied term as binding as ...,
On what basis may a term be impli...,
What is an implied term on fact
43  cards
Exemption Clauses
What is an exemption clause,
What obligations can be affected ...,
What three points must you consid...
28  cards
What is a representation,
What is a misrepresentation,
What is the effect of misrepresen...
33  cards
When will a mistake render a cont...,
What is an operative mistake,
What is the consequence of contra...
20  cards
What policy question do the court...,
What three necessary conditions t...
2  cards
Privity of Contract and Rights of Third Parties
What is the doctrine of privity o...,
What common law methods are there...,
How does agency avoid the doctrin...
22  cards
What happens where an obligation ...,
What happens where all obligation...,
When will there be discharge by e...
58  cards
What is the primary remedy for br...,
What is the aim of an award of da...,
What is not the aim of an award o...
12  cards

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contract law

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