This class was created by Brainscape user Haniah Magumpara. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Cphm Midterm Reviewer
What is infection a the invasion ...,
Three levels of disinfection the ...,
Does disinfection really kill all...
94  cards
Pmlsp Midterm
Ad lib,
48  cards
Study Question Pmlsp
1 match the following disorders w...,
The nephron is part of which body...,
Synovial fluid is found in the a ...
20  cards
Sometimes called as measures of p...,
Are three values that split sorte...,
Split the data into ten parts
21  cards
It helps us understand the compos...,
The shape of a molecule is determ...,
The bond angles of a molecule tog...
43  cards
Skeletal System
Pain without swelling or redness ...,
Inflammation of the joint causing...,
Inflammation of the bursae locate...
13  cards
Muscular System
Wasting away of muscle caused by ...,
A condition causing chronic muscl...,
An inherited disorder in which th...
7  cards
Urinary System
Inflammation of the urinary bladd...,
Inflammation of the glomerulus of...,
Inflammation of the renal pelvis ...
7  cards
Repro. System
Malignant tumors of the cervix cx...,
Increased endometrial uterine lin...,
Benign uterine tumors that may ca...
6  cards
A suppressed immune system caused...,
A malignant tumor of the lymphati...,
Infectious disease caused by the ...
6  cards
Marked enlargement of the bones i...,
Hyposecretion of antidiuretic hor...,
Abnormally small body size caused...
14  cards
Inflammation of the appendix requ...,
Inflammation of the gallbladder c...,
Chronic inflammation of the liver...
14  cards
Cessation of breathing,
Swelling or constriction of the b...,
Chronic inflammation of the bronc...
13  cards
Nervous System
Characterized by diminished menta...,
A disorder of the motor neurons i...,
Inflammation of a facial nerve th...
16  cards

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cphm midterm

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